gLite Middleware
1. Release Description
This release contains the
gLite Middleware v. 1.4.0. The following sections provide additional
information about the release content, the module dependencies and known
issues. The gLite Middleware is a suite of several gLite Services and clients.
Please refer to the individual gLite Services and Clients release notes for
additional information. For information about installing and using the gLite Middleware,
please refer to the gLite Installation and User Guides.
2. Changes in this release
This release is the
General Availability (GA) gLite v 1.4.0.
In this release all
components have been updated with bug fixes found since the previous release. In
addition the following major new functionality is included:
- New WMProxy, LBProxy
and R-GMA Purchaser in WMS
- SRMCopy support in File Transfer
- File Transfer Service and Agents
for MySQL
- VOMS Core and Admin tools for
- New GlueArchiver in R-GMA
- Use of Service Discovery in gLite
I/O Client
- First release of DGAS Server and
3. Release contents
The gLite Middleware v. 1.4.0 is composed of the following
gLite modules:
4. Prerequisite and Dependencies
The gLite modules have a number of pre-requisites. All
information can be found on the individual modules release notes and the gLite
Installation Guide.
For a list of the external dependencies, please refer to the
individual gLite Service and Clients release notes.
5. Known issues
The known issues with each module in this release are
detailed in the individual release notes. The most important issues are:
- CE Server: Currently jobs
get a full proxy rather than a restricted one as done in LCG. This is
needed for multi-hop submission (as e.g. to condor pools but also
eventually for CE – CE submission). Security implications need to be
better understood. Currently being discussed in the MWSCG
- File Transfer Service: The
gLite I/O and gLite FTS security models conflict. This is being discussed
in several coordination bodies. A proposal to harmonize them has been
already produced and circulated as part of the updated gLite Architecture
- Fireman Catalog for Oracle:
Oracle Fireman timeouts with large number of clients. The issue is being
investigated. So far it could be only randomly reproduced. It may be
related to a race-condition in axis
- Fireman Catalog for Oracle:
the SEIndex service fails with an InternalException error. This means that
data location cannot be done against an Oracle Fireman catalog (for
example when submitting jobs with data input requirements)
- I/O Server: The gLite I/O
and gLite FTS security models conflict. This is being discussed in several
coordination bodies. A proposal to harmonize them has been already
produced and circulated as part of the updated gLite Architecture document
- I/O Server: glite put/get
fails while putting files bigger than 2 Gb. This is due to the CLI failing
to read the local file if large file flag are not specified at build time.
The problem is being worked on.
- R-GMA Server: when using
multiple registries the archivers are inconsistent. Since the result of
registry replication can produce unreliable results, it is recommended not
to use more than one registry per R-GMA domain
- VOMS Admin for Oracle: The
VOMS Admin tools for Oracle have a known problem with database connections
and may refuse to accept new user registrations after some time of
- WMS Server: Jobs submitted
with RetryCount set to 0 are resubmitted multiple times without visible
reason. Currently being investigated.
- WMS Server: Currently jobs
get a full proxy rather than a restricted one as done in LCG. This is
needed for multi-hop submission (as e.g. to condor pools but also
eventually for CE – CE submission)
- WMS Server: The current
release doesn’t support shallow resubmission. This will be added in future
- WMS Server: The default
service name for locating StorageIndex services in the information service
(BD-II) during matchmaking is wrong. It is set to SIndex instead of
org.glite.SEIndex. The value can be overridden by setting the property
SiServiceName = org.glite.SEIndex;
in the WorkloadManager section of the glite_wms.conf file. This is not
necessary if an endpoint is specified using the StorageIndex tag in the
6. Issues closed since last release
For a list of the closed bugs and issues, please refer to
the individual gLite Services and Clients release notes.
7. Licensing
All gLite code is open source and developed as part of the
EU-funded EGEE project. For more information on the licence and copyright
statements, please refer to the EGEE web site. The licence can be found at