Dear Site-administrators, T1-, and T2-center managers to have a consistence set of middleware for the start of SC3 we bundled the services and updated packages needed into a LCG release. This release is labeled LCG-2_5_0 Only sites that are participating in the initial part of the SC3 are effected by this release. Based on the "LCG Service Challenges Ð Planning for SC3" document from May 23rd these are: T0: ==== CERN T1: ==== ASCC, BNL, CCIN2P3, CNAF, FNAL, GridKA, NIKHEF/SARA, RAL and TRIUMF T2: ==== Site Tier1 ------------------------------------------------------ Legnaro, Italy CNAF, Italy CMS Milan, Italy CNAF, Italy ATLAS Turin, Italy CNAF, Italy Alice DESY, Germany FZK, Germany ATLAS, CMS Lancaster, UK RAL, UK ATLAS Imperial, UK RAL, UK CMS Edinburgh, UK RAL, UK LHCb US Tier2s BNL / FNAL ATLAS / CMS ALL OTHER SITES SHOULD IGNORE THIS RELEASE!!!! ================================================ There will be a standard release (LCG-2_6_0) early July for all sites The new software packages are: -------------------------------------------- FTS 1.1.2 the clients are part of the UIs and WNs and supported by YAIM scripts. The server installation is described on the service challenge WIKI page: BDII 3.3.7 now supporting the new GLUE 1.2 schema LFC 1.3.4 the release includes YAIM install-scripts when used with MySQL backends. Installation guides for the ORACLE backends will be published via the LCG WIKI page in the next days. For both backends meta-rpms are provided, however the ORACLE client needs to be installed first. DPM 1.3.4 including secure rfio. For SEs based on DPM configuration scripts and meta-rpms are provided for the MySQL based version. The ORACLE based version is only supported by meta-rpms. dCache 1.5 the configuration contains several fixes and enhancements provided by GridPP gfal 1.6.1 supporting secure rfio. If you upgrade your DPM you have to upgrade your local clients (WNs and UIs) to this version. This includes the update to GSOAP 2.6. lcg-utils 1.2.10 lcg-info-gridftp this is a sensor for gridFTP logfiles that allows to monitor the transfers from a globus2 gridFTP server YAIM based on lcg-yaim-2.4.0-4 with additions for the new components. Who should install what? =================== Every SC3 site should install the FTS clients and make sure that the site provides access to a SRM enabled SE. If the sites provided in the past a Classic SE only the SE can be converted to a DPM based SE or a new dCache SE can be setup. The T1 centers with associated T2s and the T0 should setup FTS servers, or make sure that their installation is at the same version as the release. Initially all T1s and later all T2s should setup LFC catalogues. All the remaining client libs. should be upgraded. Where to start? ============ The release is, as always, distributed via the LCG release page: For this SC3 specific release we recommend to consult in addition the service challenge web page: markus