gLite > gLite 3.2 > glite-UI > Update to glite-UI 3.2.3-0  



gLite 3.2

glite-UI - Update to version 3.2.3-0

Date 22.09.2009
Priority Normal


glite-BDII, glite-LFC_mysql, glite-SE_dpm_mysql, glite-TORQUE_client, glite-UI, glite-WN

New yaim core release

New site-info variables
  • UNPRIVELEGED_GRIDMAPFILE per VO: This variable was before defined per site and now it can be configured per VO.
  • USER_HOME_PREFIX per VO: This variable was before defined per site and now it can be configured per VO.
  • EDG_HOME_DIR, EDGINFO_HOME_DIR and BDII_HOME_DIR: The home directories of system accounts can be now be configured. The suggestion is to define them as /var/lib/user_name but YAIM has left the default under /home.
  • GRIDFTP_CONNECTIONS_MAX: It has been increased from 50 to 150.
New functions
config_myproxy_libs: new function to be able to configure the new myproxy server and clients.

Other fixes
Some libraries have been added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and to be able to configure lcg CE and cream CE in SL5.
glite-UI, glite-WN

New yaim clients release
There's now a new tag: tarball-installations that can be used in WN_LIST as follows:

If a WN tarball is being installed:
1) and the tag is present in wn-list.conf, then the subcluster-id will be retrieved from there.
2) the tag is not present, the subcluster-id will be deduced from CE_HOST.

New version of GFAL and lcg_utils
Release containing a set of bug fixes. See the bug list for more details within the glite-UI and glite-WN detail pages.

New version of lcg_infosites
The new version fixes a bug which includes the use of AccessControlBaseRule.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #38922 lcg-infosites uses AccessControlRule instead of AccessControlBaseRule
 #50439 lcg-cp --checksum local -> SE fails
 #50548 [LCG_UTILS] lcg-rf does not output the guid on success
 #51562 [ yaim-core ] config_lcas_lcmaps_gt4 function does not work on 64-bit platforms
 #51563 [ yaim-core ] config_ldconf function should add /opt/classads/lib[64] path to the configuration
 #52181 [ yaim-core ] LB locallogger doesn't start on sl5_x86_64: missing opt/classads/lib64 in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 #52476 Swig error message with Python 2.5 on SL5
 #52485 lcg-cp fails to copy to gsiftp TURL
 #52825 [ yaim-clients ] 3.2 tar UI broken on SL5 x86_64
 #53047 [ yaim-clients ] TAR UI SL5: invalid LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 #53143 [ yaim-core ] broken GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE in gLite 3.2
 #54259 Unable to get a tURL in a full space
 #54333 GFAL: problems with LDAP queries on SL5

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
GFAL-client 1.11.8-2.sl5 GFAL-client-1.11.8-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm v1.11.8-2
GFAL-client 1.11.8-2.sl5 GFAL-client-1.11.8-2.sl5.i386.rpm v1.11.8-2
glite-UI-version 3.2.3-0 glite-UI-version-3.2.3-0.x86_64.rpm Version tag/marker for glite-UI
glite-yaim-clients 4.0.9-2 glite-yaim-clients-4.0.9-2.noarch.rpm UI, WN and VOBOX configuration
glite-yaim-core 4.0.10-2 glite-yaim-core-4.0.10-2.noarch.rpm YAIM core package
lcg-infosites 2.6.8-2 lcg-infosites-2.6.8-2.noarch.rpm lcg-infosites
lcg_util 1.7.6-1.sl5 lcg_util-1.7.6-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm v1.7.6-1
lcg_util 1.7.6-1.sl5 lcg_util-1.7.6-1.sl5.i386.rpm v1.7.6-1

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)