gLite > gLite 3.2 > glite-SGE_utils > Update to glite-SGE_utils 3.2.1-2.sl5  



gLite 3.2

glite-SGE_utils - Update to version 3.2.1-2.sl5

Date 03.05.2010
Priority Normal



First SGE_utils release in SL5

This new glite-SGE_utils release integrates SGE LRMS with CREAMCE (Version 1.6) in SL5, x86_64. The CREAMCE integration consists in setting up the BLAH configuration to interoperate with SGE. For BLAH to work, the following set of SGE scripts and binaries should be available under /opt/glite/bin: BUpdaterSGE, sge_helper,,,, and These scripts are installed by glite-ce-blahp rpm but the same files can also be downloaded from

The CREAMCE must be installed in a separate node from the SGE QMASTER, and the same SGE software version should be used in both cases. After installation of the CREAMCE and SGE_utils meta-packages, reconfigure the services: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /root/site-cfg/siteinfo/site-info-egee.def -n creamCE -n SGE_utils

CREAMCE should be declared as an allowed submission host in SGE QMASTER using "qconf -as <CE.MY.DOMAIN>". The SGE Qmaster configuration should also have the definition "execd_params INHERIT_ENV=false" which can be implemented in SGE QMASTER using "qconf -mconf". This setting allows to propagate the environment of the submission machine (CE) into the execution machine (WN).

The transferring of files between WN and CE is handled by a script, called sge_filestaging, which must be available in all WNs under /opt/glite/bin, and which you may find in your CreamCE installation under /opt/glite/bin/sge_filestaging. If you are using glite-yaim-sge-client to configure your WNs ( that script will be present by default in your WNs, otherwise, you will have to install it. By default, this copy mechanism works with passwordless scp WN<->CreamCE but it is up to the site admin to set it up (YAIM will not take care of that task on your behalf). This script must be executed as prolog and epilog of your jobs. Therefore you should define:

prolog                /opt/glite/bin/sge_filestaging --stagein
epilog                /opt/glite/bin/sge_filestaging --stageout

either in the SGE global configuration "qconf -mconf" or in "each queue configuration "qconf -mq ". If you already have some prolog and epilog scripts defined, just add those definitions to your scripts. If your prolog and epilog scripts run as root, you will have use su (for example, su -m -c "/opt/glite/bin/sge_filestaging --stageout" $USER)

Some sites use SGE installations shared via NFS or equivalent (see bug #59060). In order to prevent any changes in that SGE NFS SHARED setup, a new yaim variable, called SGE_SHARED_INSTALL, is introduced. Its default value is "no" meaning that SGE software WILL BE configured by YAIM. If you are using a SGE installation shared via NFS or equivalent, and you do not want to change it with YAIM, set SGE_SHARED_INSTALL=yes in your site-info.def file.





Patch #3767: [ yaim-core ] yaim-core 4.0.12 SL5/x86_64

New release of yaim core containing a set of bug fixes and new features:

  • Can now configure the GSI callout to call the ARGUS PEP client.
  • Avoid mistakenly removing all the services from gLiteservices file.
  • Fix GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE setting on the SL5 tarball UI.
  • Correct unset for shell functions in
  • Make config_bdii_only return non zero in case of error
  • Fixes for installing the UI tarball on CernVM.
  • Allow general use of the 'nickname' field in the VOMSES settings.
  • Add yaim core RPM dependency on perl
  • Allow use of pool accounts with up to 4 digits
  • Fix manipulation when running a single yaim function
  • Fix gridmap dir group on WMS
  • Change the CE_INBOUNDIP and CE_OUTBOUNDIP defaults in site-info.def to be valid and imply the correct (upper) case.
  • Call setup-openssl for VDT 1.10.

Patch #3977: SL5/x86_64 APEL CPUScalingFactor bug fix

APEL will now read the CPUScalingReferenceSI00 value from the site GIIS. If this value is not available, APEL will read GlueHostbenchmarkSI00.

Note that the new version of APEL will read the CPU power (specint rating) from the GlueCECapability CPUScalingReferenceSI00 attribute if it is published, so please check that the value is correct (the same as the GlueHostBenchmarkSI00 attribute) and that your APEL accounting records look OK after the upgrade.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #3767 [ yaim-core ] yaim-core 4.0.12 SL5/x86_64
 #3959 Release 1.6 of CREAM CE for sl5_x86_64
 #3977 SL5/x86_64 APEL CPUScalingFactor bug fix
 #59060 Introduce yaim variable in SGE_utils for site admins to set if they do not want to setup SGE client
 #59626 Wrong YAIM error message , SGE_utis
 #59627 Typo in YAIM error message [SGE_utils]
 #59937 sge_helper blah scirpt coding error
 #63047 Changes needed in blah.conf to support CreamCE V1.6

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
bouncycastle-glite 1.42-3.jdk5 bouncycastle-glite-1.42-3.jdk5.noarch.rpm Bouncy Castle Crypto Package for Java
glite-apel-core 2.0.11-0 glite-apel-core-2.0.11-0.noarch.rpm Core components of the Apel accounting application
glite-apel-sge 2.0.8-1 glite-apel-sge-2.0.8-1.noarch.rpm SGE log parser plugin
glite-info-dynamic-sge 4.0.903-3 glite-info-dynamic-sge-4.0.903-3.noarch.rpm glite-info-dynamic-sge
glite-SGE_utils 3.2.1-2.sl5 glite-SGE_utils-3.2.1-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm glite-SGE_utils for version R_3_2_1_2
glite-version 3.2.2-1 glite-version-3.2.2-1.noarch.rpm Shows version information for the installed gLite node types
glite-yaim-core 4.0.12-1 glite-yaim-core-4.0.12-1.noarch.rpm YAIM core package
glite-yaim-sge-utils 4.1.1-5 glite-yaim-sge-utils-4.1.1-5.noarch.rpm Utilitites needed to configure SGE in an EGEE Grid Gateway

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Service must be restarted.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)