gLite > gLite 3.2 > glite-LFC_mysql > 3.2.6-1.sl5  

gLite 3.2

glite-LFC_mysql V. 3.2.6-1.sl5

RPM list in .txt format

Packages provided by gLite repository
Name Version Architecture Description
bdii 5.0.8-1 noarch bdii
edg-mkgridmap 3.0.0-1 noarch A tool to build the grid-mapfile
fetch-crl 2.7.0-2 noarch Tool for periodic retrieval of Certificate Revocation Lists
glite-info-generic 2.0.2-5 noarch glite-info-generic
glite-info-provider-release 1.0.0-9 noarch glite-info-provider-release
glite-info-templates 1.0.0-11 noarch glite-info-templates
glite-LFC_mysql 3.2.6-1.sl5 x86_64 Metapackage for glite-LFC_mysql
glite-security-voms-api-cpp 1.9.17-1.sl5 x86_64 v. GL32
glite-security-voms-api 1.9.17-1.sl5 x86_64 v.
glite-version 3.2.2-1 noarch Shows version information for the installed gLite node types
glite-yaim-core 4.0.12-1 noarch YAIM core package
glite-yaim-lfc 4.0.6-2 noarch glite-yaim-lfc module configures 3.0 LFC.
glue-schema 2.0.3-1 noarch LDAP schema files for the GLUE Schema
gpt 3.2autotools2004_NMI_9.0_x86_64_rhap_5-1 x86_64 The Grid Packaging Toolkit (GPT)
lcgdm-devel 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 LCG Data Management common development libraries and header files.
lcgdm-libs 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 LCG Data Management common shared libraries
lfc-devel 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 LCG File Catalogue development libraries and header files
lfc-libs 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 Client shared libraries for LCG File Catalogue
LFC-server-mysql 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 LFC Server for a MySQL database backend
lfc 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 CLI for LCG File Catalogue
perl-lfc 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 Perl interface to LCG File Catalog
python-lfc 1.7.4-6sec.sl5 x86_64 Python interfaces to LCG File Catalog
vdt_globus_essentials VDT1.10.1x86_64_rhap_5-4 x86_64 Virtual Data Toolkit
Packages provided by SL repository
Name Version Architecture
expect 5.43.0-5.1 x86_64
libtool-ltdl 1.5.22-7.el5_4 x86_64
openldap-clients 2.3.43-12.el5 x86_64
openldap-devel 2.3.43-12.el5 x86_64
openldap-servers 2.3.43-12.el5 x86_64
openldap 2.3.43-12.el5 x86_64
perl-LDAP 0.33-3.fc6 noarch
perl-libwww-perl 5.805-1.1.1 noarch
perl-TermReadKey 2.30-5.el5 x86_64
Packages provided by DAG repository
Name Version Architecture
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 2.024-1.el5.rf x86_64
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.024-1.el5.rf x86_64
perl-Convert-ASN1 0.22-1.el5.rf noarch
perl-Crypt-SSLeay 0.57-3.el5.rf x86_64
perl-Date-Manip 5.54-2.el5.rf noarch
perl-HTML-Parser 3.64-1.el5.rf x86_64
perl-HTML-Tagset 3.20-1.el5.rf noarch
perl-IO-Compress 2.024-1.el5.rf noarch
perl-IO-Socket-SSL 1.31-2.el5.rf noarch
perl-Net-SSLeay 1.36-1.el5.rf x86_64
perl-XML-DOM 1.44-2.el5.rf noarch
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport 1.11-1.el5.rf noarch
perl-XML-Parser 2.36-1.el5.rf x86_64
perl-XML-RegExp 0.03-1.2.el5.rf noarch
perl-XML-SAX 0.96-1.el5.rf noarch