gLite > gLite 3.2 > glite-LB > Update to glite-LB 3.2.12-5.sl5  



gLite 3.2

glite-LB - Update to version 3.2.12-5.sl5

Date 10.11.10
Priority Normal



New version of glite-LB

L&B 2.1 is an evolution of L&B 2.0

What's new

  • IPv6 compliance
  • Adoption of the common logging format
  • Collection aware purging
  • WebService interface supporting basic AGU / Glue 2.0
  • Advanced authorization with unified configuration
  • Elementary native support for CREAM jobs
  • Ability to log sandbox transfer progress as a specific job type
  • Configuration tuned to allow collocation with WMS
  • Job rate and state transition time statistics

Installation and Configuration

glite-LB metapackage is installed by yum. yaim configuration requires, at the very least, setting MYSQL_PASSWORD, SITE_NAME and SITE_EMAIL in the site-info.def file.


This release depends on internal releases of glite.jobid and glite.lbjp-common subsystems, which -- however -- are being released with the very same patch.

Known issues

  • Due to faulty DNS over IPv6 resolution in the c-ares library, L&B does not work in most scenarios involving IPv6-only machines. Upgrade c-ares to 1.7.3 and relaunch yaim to get full IPv6 functionality.
  • Statistics are not configurable by site admins and do not support weights.
This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #27268 Logging & Bookkeeping server accepts recycled job identifiers
 #28782 LB rpms should have proper description/summary fields
 #29017 LB WS interface does not work with Python client
 #29081 LB startup scripts print error messages when starting an already running service
 #31076 Add option to enable/disable job owner indexing on LB server
 #31592 RegJob event contains WMS's DN instead of User's DN in the "user" attribute
 #41404 [ yaim-lb ] glite-lb-purge.cron default retention period should be 90d
 #41442 IPv6 bug: various non compliant calls and data struc. in the file notification.c of the component
 #41445 IPv6 bug: various non compliant calls and data struc. in the file logd_proto.c of the component
 #41447 IPv6 bug: various non compliant calls and data struc. in the file logd.c of the component
 #41449 IPv6 bug: non compliant wildcard address (INADDR_ANY) in multiple files of the component
 #41450 IPv6 bug: non compliant data structure (sockaddr_in) in multiple files of the component
 #41451 IPv6 bug: non compliant address family type (AF_INET) in the bkserverd.c file of the component
 #41452 IPv6 bug: non compliant address conversion function in source code (inet_ntoa)
 #41453 IPv6 bug: non compliant address family type (AF_INET) multiple files of the component
 #41454 IPv6 bug: non compliant name resolving functions (gethostbyname(_r)) in multiple files of the com.
 #41480 IPv6 bug: non compliant address function (inet_addr) in multiple files of the component
 #41484 IPv6 bug: non compliant data structure (sockaddr_in) in multiple files of the component
 #41496 IPv6 bug: non compliant address family type (AF_INET) in 2 files of the component
 #41501 IPv6 bug: non compliant wildcard address (INADDR_ANY) in the file srv_example.c of the comp.
 #41503 IPv6 bug: various non compliant calls and data struc. in the file cnt_example.c of the comp.
 #44545 incoming event data missing in LB server debug log
 #45480 Subjobs of live collection can be purged from LB proxy or server
 #48164 (notif-)interlogd keeps copy of undelivered messages in memory
 #51074 [ yaim-lb ] WMS + LB when installed on the same machine should not config LBProxy
 #52563 [ yaim-lb ] host{cert,key}.pem in /home/glite
 #53105 fails make check in gcc 4.3.2 compiler on Debian 5.0
 #53608 org.glite.lbjp-common.trio fails with gcc>=4.3 due to deprecated header files
 #57622 lbproxy auto-purging switch request
 #57999 Please update default version of c-ares to allow use of EPEL.
 #62212 [ yaim-lb ] Enable Glue 2.0 publishing
 #68534 [ yaim-core ] config_glite_localloger clashes with L&B proxy startup
 #72934 LB RPMs do noth distribute libtool .la files
 #72970 glite-lb-locallogger status fails
 #72975 Memory handilng defficiencies in L&B statistics
 #73206 problem with collection registration in wms 3.3
 #73716 LB 2.1: "no records" on state transitions statistics

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
bdii 5.0.9-1 bdii-5.0.9-1.noarch.rpm bdii
bouncycastle-glite 1.42-3.jdk5 bouncycastle-glite-1.42-3.jdk5.noarch.rpm Bouncy Castle Crypto Package for Java
c-ares 1.6.0-1.el5 c-ares-1.6.0-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
glite-info-provider-service 1.4.3-0 glite-info-provider-service-1.4.3-0.noarch.rpm The GLUE service information provider
glite-jobid-api-c 1.0.6-1.sl5 glite-jobid-api-c-1.0.6-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm C library handling gLite jobid.
glite-jobid-api-java 1.0.3-2.sl5 glite-jobid-api-java-1.0.3-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm JAVA implementation of handling gLite jobid
glite-LB 3.2.12-5.sl5 glite-LB-3.2.12-5.sl5.x86_64.rpm Metapackage to install the L&B service on an LB node
glite-lb-client 4.1.5-2.sl5 glite-lb-client-4.1.5-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping client library and CLI tools
glite-lb-common 7.1.6-2.sl5 glite-lb-common-7.1.6-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping common headers and library
glite-lb-doc 1.1.10-2.sl5 glite-lb-doc-1.1.10-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping documentation
glite-lb-harvester 1.0.9-2.sl5 glite-lb-harvester-1.0.9-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Enhanced L&B notification client.
glite-lbjp-common-db 2.0.4-2.sl5 glite-lbjp-common-db-2.0.4-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Database engine abstraction wrapper used in L&B and JP services.
glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface 2.0.2-2.sl5 glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface-2.0.2-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Public API to JP service internal interface.
glite-lbjp-common-maildir 2.0.1-2.sl5 glite-lbjp-common-maildir-2.0.1-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Single-purpose implementation of maildir-like queue. It is used to pass data from LB to JP.
glite-lbjp-common-server-bones 2.0.1-2.sl5 glite-lbjp-common-server-bones-2.0.1-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Skeleton of multi-process network server.
glite-lbjp-common-trio 2.0.2-2.sl5 glite-lbjp-common-trio-2.0.2-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Standalone extended implementation of printf and scanf.
glite-lb-logger 2.1.10-2.sl5 glite-lb-logger-2.1.10-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping local-logger and inter-logger
glite-lb-server 2.1.12-2.sl5 glite-lb-server-2.1.12-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping server
glite-lb-state-machine 1.1.3-2.sl5 glite-lb-state-machine-1.1.3-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping state machine
glite-lb-utils 2.0.7-2.sl5 glite-lb-utils-2.0.7-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping auxiliary utilities
glite-lb-ws-interface 3.1.2-3.sl5 glite-lb-ws-interface-3.1.2-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm gLite Logging and Bookkeeping web service interface
glite-lb-ws-test 1.1.4-2.sl5 glite-lb-ws-test-1.1.4-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Tests and usage examples of L&B WS interface.
glite-lb-yaim 4.2.13-2.sl5 glite-lb-yaim-4.2.13-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm YAIM initialization scripts for LB node
glite-security-gsoap-plugin 2.1.2-2.sl5 glite-security-gsoap-plugin-2.1.2-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Plugin for gSoap to use glite-security-gss as the communication layer.
glite-security-gss 2.1.4-1.sl5 glite-security-gss-2.1.4-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm Wrapper of Globus GSS/SSL implementation used by gLite LB and JP
glite-security-trustmanager 2.5.5-1 glite-security-trustmanager-2.5.5-1.noarch.rpm v. 2.5.5-1
glite-security-util-java 2.8.6-1.GL32 glite-security-util-java-2.8.6-1.GL32.noarch.rpm Security utilities
glite-security-voms-api-cpp 1.9.18-1.sl5 glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.9.18-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm v. GL32
glite-version 3.2.3-1 glite-version-3.2.3-1.noarch.rpm Shows version information for the installed gLite node types
glite-yaim-core 4.0.13-2 glite-yaim-core-4.0.13-2.noarch.rpm YAIM core package
log4c 1.2.1-2.sl5 log4c-1.2.1-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Logging for C Library 1.0.5-2.sl5 JAVA implemantation of the L&B service client
org.glite.lbjp-common.log 1.0.3-2.sl5 org.glite.lbjp-common.log-1.0.3-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm Definitions of glite common logging formats for LB and JP.

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Service must be restarted.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)