gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-WN > Update to glite-WN 3.1.10-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-WN - Update to version 3.1.10-0

Date 14.11.2008
Priority Normal


In order to upgrade, please rerun the yaim configuration, e.g.:
./yaim -c -s site-info.def -n glite-SE_dcache_pool
./yaim -c -s site-info.def -n glite-SE_dcache_admin_postgres
Fixed bugs:
  • Error message of SrmSpaceManager command 'reserve' is misleading/useless.
  • PinManager fills up log files with SQL queries pool <-> xrootd-door interaction.
  • /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache script doesn't start replica manager ( upper case lower case issue)
  • FTP Bug, cd (ftp CWD) does not work anymore (RT #3007) busy loop in SpaceSweeper
  • gPlazma returns the same FQAN for the same DN even if the FQAN changes for subsequent requests.
  • ftp clinet/server checksum format miss match
  • undefied NAMESPACE did not fall back to pnfs
  • 'rc onerror fail' doesn't work properly.
  • gPlazma web interface to verify correct configuration.
  • gsidcap failes if connected to two different doors.
  • high pnfs load on srmrm
  • Cannot open files with PROOF
  • TChain from ROOT not working properly against xrootd
  • lcg-ct returns Xrootd:// instead of root://
  • SrmSpaceManager : 'ls -l' doesn't report access latency and retention policy of space tokens.
  • etc/node_config interpreter problem fixed
  • Number of database connections seems not be limited (PinManager)
  • Various fixes/improvements in installation system (rt #3082, #3160, #3252)
  • File couldn't be unpinned if the disk copy didn't exist any more.
  • Pin Manager is leaking db connections
  • Permission handler does not respects secondary GID
  • Multiple GID support in gPalzma
  • globus-url-copy doesn't use the WriteToken tag to select a Space Token
  • Size of removed file(s) is not returned to the token using the chimera fs backend.
  • (limited) Pin Time after a bring-online start at the time when file touches the disk after a restore.
  • Modify ETICS configuration file template to have dcache-client dependency for SLC4 and dcache-dcap for SLC5
  • Experimenting with Python 2.5 support.
  • Using --with-swig-prefix to really use ETICS relocated Swig dependency.
  • Setting SWIG_LIB, because the one built into the 'swig' binary will not be valid in a userspace build, when Swig is relocated.
  • Improve error message in case of soap error different from SOAP_EOF, and with no error string
  • added missing libraries to python modules
  • The proper fix was using the WITH_NOGLOBAL option instead.
  • Added --with-python-location configuration option to be able to build with alternative Python versions.
  • SOAP_FMAC3 and SOAP_FMAC5 are used in the generated gSOAP files, however stdsoap2.h uses SOAP_FMAC1, which has to be redefiened as well, when included in these sources. This should fix the SL5 build.
  • Unregister LFN in lcg_cr function when not able to register SURL in this LFN
  • Print error message in lcg_rep function when not able to register SURL in the LFN
  • Experimenting with Python 2.5 support.
  • Solving library dependies of python module
  • using --swig-prefix instead of --swig-location
  • Adding 'lib64' variations to the possible SWIG_LIB locations.
  • Fixed 'if' tests in [] are removed by m4.
  • Setting SWIG_LIB, because the one built into the 'swig' binary will not be valid in a userspace build.
  • using relative path to stop libtool being too smart?
  • added missing python libraries
  • Added --with-python-location configuration option to be able to build with alternative Python versions.
lcg-gt does not return all the information to work with dcache and this causes lcg-sd to fail. For information on how to use the lcg_utils with dCache please have a look at the following web page:
In order to upgrade, please rerun the yaim configuration, e.g.:
./yaim -c -s site-info.def -n glite-SE_dcache_pool
./yaim -c -s site-info.def -n glite-SE_dcache_admin_postgres
Fixed bugs:
  • Error message of SrmSpaceManager command 'reserve' is misleading/useless.
  • PinManager fills up log files with SQL queries pool <-> xrootd-door interaction.
  • /opt/d-cache/bin/dcache script doesn't start replica manager ( upper case lower case issue)
  • FTP Bug, cd (ftp CWD) does not work anymore (RT #3007) busy loop in SpaceSweeper
  • gPlazma returns the same FQAN for the same DN even if the FQAN changes for subsequent requests.
  • ftp clinet/server checksum format miss match
  • undefied NAMESPACE did not fall back to pnfs
  • 'rc onerror fail' doesn't work properly.
  • gPlazma web interface to verify correct configuration.
  • gsidcap failes if connected to two different doors.
  • high pnfs load on srmrm
  • Cannot open files with PROOF
  • TChain from ROOT not working properly against xrootd
  • lcg-ct returns Xrootd:// instead of root://
  • SrmSpaceManager : 'ls -l' doesn't report access latency and retention policy of space tokens.
  • etc/node_config interpreter problem fixed
  • Number of database connections seems not be limited (PinManager)
  • Various fixes/improvements in installation system (rt #3082, #3160, #3252)
  • File couldn't be unpinned if the disk copy didn't exist any more.
  • Pin Manager is leaking db connections
  • Permission handler does not respects secondary GID
  • Multiple GID support in gPalzma
  • globus-url-copy doesn't use the WriteToken tag to select a Space Token
  • Size of removed file(s) is not returned to the token using the chimera fs backend.
  • (limited) Pin Time after a bring-online start at the time when file touches the disk after a restore.
  • Modify ETICS configuration file template to have dcache-client dependency for SLC4 and dcache-dcap for SLC5
  • Experimenting with Python 2.5 support.
  • Using --with-swig-prefix to really use ETICS relocated Swig dependency.
  • Setting SWIG_LIB, because the one built into the 'swig' binary will not be valid in a userspace build, when Swig is relocated.
  • Improve error message in case of soap error different from SOAP_EOF, and with no error string
  • added missing libraries to python modules
  • The proper fix was using the WITH_NOGLOBAL option instead.
  • Added --with-python-location configuration option to be able to build with alternative Python versions.
  • SOAP_FMAC3 and SOAP_FMAC5 are used in the generated gSOAP files, however stdsoap2.h uses SOAP_FMAC1, which has to be redefiened as well, when included in these sources. This should fix the SL5 build.
  • Unregister LFN in lcg_cr function when not able to register SURL in this LFN
  • Print error message in lcg_rep function when not able to register SURL in the LFN
  • Experimenting with Python 2.5 support.
  • Solving library dependies of python module
  • using --swig-prefix instead of --swig-location
  • Adding 'lib64' variations to the possible SWIG_LIB locations.
  • Fixed 'if' tests in [] are removed by m4.
  • Setting SWIG_LIB, because the one built into the 'swig' binary will not be valid in a userspace build.
  • using relative path to stop libtool being too smart?
  • added missing python libraries
  • Added --with-python-location configuration option to be able to build with alternative Python versions.
lcg-gt does not return all the information to work with dcache and this causes lcg-sd to fail. For information on how to use the lcg_utils with dCache please have a look at the following web page:

Please also have a look at the list of
known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #21916 Bad error message/behaviour with incorrect file: URL format in lcg-cr
 #41831 segmentation fault in lcg-ls
 #42628 DM Python libs are not in PYTHONPATH (UI 3.1.18-0 - 3.1.20-0) + undefined symbol: globus_i_gass_copy_module

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
GFAL-client 1.10.18-3.slc4 GFAL-client-1.10.18-3.slc4.i386.rpm v1.10.18-3
GFAL-client 1.10.18-3.slc4 GFAL-client-1.10.18-3.slc4.x86_64.rpm v1.10.18-3
dcache-dcap 1.8.0-15p8 dcache-dcap-1.8.0-15p8.sl4.i586.rpm dCache Client
dcache-dcap 1.8.0-15p8 dcache-dcap-1.8.0-15p8.sl4.x86_64.rpm dCache Client
dcache-srmclient 1.8.0-15p8 dcache-srmclient-1.8.0-15p8.noarch.rpm dCache Client
glite-WN-version 3.1.10-0 glite-WN-version-3.1.10-0.x86_64.rpm Version tag/marker for glite-WN
lcg_util 1.6.17-2.slc4 lcg_util-1.6.17-2.slc4.i386.rpm v1.6.17-2
lcg_util 1.6.17-2.slc4 lcg_util-1.6.17-2.slc4.x86_64.rpm v1.6.17-2

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)