Number | Description |
#18104 |
lcg-cp only uses the first replica |
#19355 |
CGSI-gSOAP shall refuse requests with invalid VOMS AC |
#23999 |
GFAL doesn't cope with castor-2 file names |
#26820 |
Wrong error (file name too long) |
#26983 |
VO name too long |
#26984 |
lcg-cr doesn't create directory of the day under generated in DPM with space token specified |
#27226 |
[GFAL] can't open ClassicSE SURL |
#27342 |
AIM gives no error when FUNCTIONS_DIR not set. |
#27359 | produced by yaim can be broken |
#27428 |
Please add glite-version rpm to all the 3.1 metapackage ! |
#27481 |
YAIM must not correct software area permissions |
#27511 |
There is a vulnerability issue concerning blocking of pool accounts on the CE |
#27536 |
GFAL access of root files on dCache SE |
#27731 |
YAIM error during the configuration of DPM myqsl rpm |
#27733 |
missing script in during WMS LB configuration yaim-3.1.1-X |