Number | Description |
#33146 |
VOMS-ADMIN: trying to delete non-existent attribute from non-existent user causes NullPointerException |
#33409 |
Re-clicking VOMS confirmation causes Tomcat internal error |
#33902 |
VOMS MySQL replication: adapt for 2.x schema, add encryption |
#35569 |
glite-security-voms-api-noglobus-1.8.3-3 and glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.8.3-3 contain the same files |
#36052 |
voms-proxy-info shouldn't require AC check in all cases |
#36092 |
[VOMS 1.8.3] VOMS server log file created with bizarre permissions |
#36291 |
VOMS-ADMIN: Oracle database upgrade - incorrect LAST_NUMBER for the HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE |
#36490 |
Error adding new administrator! - java.lang.NullPointerException |
#36573 |
voms-proxy-info has bad return codes |
#37008 |
VOMS server is always returning a short FQAN |
#37071 |
VOMS api should specify in error cases whether the voms AC is expired or not yet valid. |
#37372 |
VOMS-CONFIG - "--uri" voms-core parameter not configured properly |
#37498 |
voms.conf generated by voms-admin-configure needs uri and timeout and shortfqans |
#37704 |
There is a possible vulnerability concerning proxies |
#37753 |
[VOMS Admin 2.0.7-1] --port option causes failure |
#37754 |
[VOMS Admin 2.0.14] display problem with dot (.) in subject |
#38506 |
Previous Predictable Order with --voms flags was lost. |
#38824 |
VOMS doesn't build with VDT globus 1.10.1-1 because it uses system OpenSSL |
#39262 |
VOMS-CONFIG: -XX:MaxPermSize documentation and default value |
#39445 |
voms configuration script does not accept valid my.cnf |
#39622 | forces use of SSL connections |
#39625 |
VOMS-CORE: Cannot specify two or more --voms options for the same VO in the command line |
#39818 |
/etc/ script produced by VOMS config should not display the version |
#39900 | does not produce correct information with "--status" option |
#41094 |
VOMS-CORE: requesting an unassigned role does not return an error |
#41095 |
VOMS-CORE: request fails when requesting a role that is not assigned |
#41116 |
VOMS-CORE: -noregen functionality is broken |
#41773 |
[VOMS-CORE] No error reported when non-existent group requested |