Number | Description |
#21575 |
add VOMS attributes to the L&B rgma feed |
#21578 |
add UI to the L&B rgma feed |
#28770 |
LB server syslogs client-side errors generally irrelevant to admin |
#30203 |
LBproxy sends CollectionState events to LB server |
#31829 |
glite-yaim-core does use SL4 only sed options |
#31944 |
unindexed LB queries return no results |
#33397 |
glite-lb-locallogger script bug |
#33406 |
FTS: CLI version string is not reported correctly in verbose option |
#33777 |
glite-lb-bkserverd must ignore SIGXFSZ |
#35118 |
LB notifications: garbage comming to client |
#35490 |
glite-lb-bkindex uses too much memory |
#35623 |
LB server fails to report back error encountered while storing LB event |
#35632 |
glite-lb-bkindex may abort on embryonic subjobs |
#37069 |
memory leaks in LB client library |
#37074 |
LB client library does not handle closing of kept-alive logd connection correctly |
#37084 |
LB client library can cause segfault when credential expires |
#38103 |
FTA: sane defaults for timeout parameters |
#39492 |
FTS polls status of get put requests too frequently |
#39538 |
glite-transfer-channel-set: -k option not setting correct value |
#39539 |
glite-transfer-channel-set: using -x option results in error |
#39554 |
FTS: srmcopy channels do not check target directory by default |
#39582 |
transfer log files not moved to 'failed' folder |
#39867 |
FTA: sd2cache should not look for non-renewal MyProxy server |
#39880 |
FTA: channel parameter 'TARGET_DIR_CHECK' has incorrect default |
#39882 |
FTA: source space token, directory check and first marker timeout parameters not passed correctly to transfer process |
#39928 |
Job info given by glite-wms-job-status is messed up |
#40064 |
wrong handling of short command line options |
#42799 |
bdii: varibles not check before running chown |