Number | Description |
#36821 |
Honor ArrayOfTokens in srmLs |
#37009 |
Resolving a WN to GlueSubCluster attributes must be possible from a running job. |
#37491 |
lcg-cp fails when one of the SE where a file is registered is down |
#38424 |
lcg-util: make checksum available |
#39764 |
[lcg-util] lcg-del doesn't check LFC file permissions before trying to remove a file |
#40384 |
error in man page for lcg_del_python - types mismatch |
#40653 |
[ yaim-core ] Variable cleaning |
#40976 |
Unhelpfull error message suggesting poor LDAP browsing |
#42517 |
more flexibility in setting timeouts in lcg_util CLI |
#42546 |
Problem with GIP in DPM or LFC |
#42633 |
[lcg-utils] lcg-cr -d SITENAME does not use FQDN but allows incorrect sites |
#42950 |
[GFAL] function gfal_stat seg. fault on a surl with srmv2 |
#43002 |
lcg-gt does not accept negative <requestId> <fileId> and returns only turl |
#43077 |
Use of Full URLs in LCG Utils and LFC |
#43440 |
GFAL POSIX I/O interface in Python API |
#43547 |
lcg-del can't delete a directory |
#44637 |
lcg-cr with GFAL-client-1.10.17 Fail to create directories in SToRM SE |
#44837 |
lcg-cp fails for valid reason but without error message |
#44897 |
Introduction of a request expiration timeout in lcg-utils and gfal |
#44909 |
[lcg-util] lcg-rep: change the gridFTP session handling so that the copy and getFileSize are done in the same session |
#45442 |
[ yaim-clients ] Add config_wn_info in WN and TAR WN |
#45446 |
[ yaim-core ] WN_LIST example file should be updated |
#45649 |
[ yaim-core ] PYTHON_PATH should be set to Python version specific directories as well |
#45852 |
[ yaim-core ] PYTHONPATH entries are wrongly ordered |
#45887 |
[ yaim-core ] Modify config_gip_vo_tag to create Subcluster RTE tag areas |
#46276 |
[GFAL] 'extern "C" {' isn't closed in gfal_types.h and gfal_internals.h |
#46299 |
[ yaim-core ] incorrect here-doc syntax in config_mkgridmap |
#46409 |
[GFAL] recursive directory creation should be changed |
#46561 |
[gfal] "file exists" error on already existing directories when creating a new file |
#46633 |
[ yaim-core ] Add new variables in site-info.def |
#46965 |
[ yaim-core ] users.conf and groups.conf for PILOT jobs |
#46975 |
[ yaim-core ] VO_voname_DEFAULT_SE is not populated with value from SE_LIST |
#47013 |
[lcg-utils] lcg-rf fails if no lfn is passed in argument |
#48207 |
GFAL-client v1.10.18: missing VOMS dependency |