gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-UI > Update to glite-UI 3.1.11-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-UI - Update to version 3.1.11-0

Date 22.04.08
Priority High


Data Management

This update introduces a new DPM/LFC version (1.6.10) as well as an update of dm-util (lcg-util) and gfal.


The new DPM/LFC version provides several new features and bug fixes, for example:
  • fix problem of replication of a zero-length file improve logging of updatefilestatus method
  • DICOM back-end service for DPM
  • producing re-buildable source RPMs
  • group writable directories when SRM started with umask 0
  • DPM-DSI: DPM's gridftp does not allow for ':' in SURL (GGUS ticket #32335)
  • support for CKSM (md5 only yet)
GFAL and lcg_util

As new features, the new glite-data-gfal version (1.10.11-1) provides new functions gfal_abortrequest and gfal_abortfilesseveral, and the new glite-data-dm-util (lcg_util) version (1.6.11-1) now prints the SE type (SRMv1, SRMv2, Classic SE) in verbose mode (when relevant).

They also fix several bugs, such as:
  • lcg-ls does not work for the classic SE
  • lcg-cr glibc memory corruption
  • gfal_stat seg. fault with dummy LFN
  • lcg-sd doesn't doesn't work with SRMv2 request token
  • lcg-gt segmentation fault
For the full list of fixed bugs, please see the patches 1738 and 1758 in the list of patches on the main update page.

Known Issues
  • When LFN doesn't exist, lcg-del prints out some strange character as bug #34990.
  • lcg-getturls may crash as described by bug #35358. You can use "-p" option to avoid this problem.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #1441 nlinks in name server
 #18836 man page of dpns-chown is obsolete
 #30874 DPM-httpd breaks logrotate on DPM headnode
 #31028 2.1.4.-9 rfiod segfaults
 #31157 LFC information provider to be fixed
 #31806 Problems in configuring dpm-httpd using function config_DPM_https
 #31866 enabling dpm-https disables the other protocols (rfio, gridftp)
 #31976 [LFC] "-n" option missing from init.d and sysconfig files
 #31981 [LFC] Internal error when using lfc-enterusermap (1.6.7-1)
 #32252 gridview not configured on gLite3.1 DPM
 #32378 $ORACLE_LOCATION/client/lib is hardcoded for libraries
 #32818 no man page on lfc_getreplicasl
 #32978 lcg-info-provider-lfc : wrong mds-vo-name
 #32981 LFC-server-oracle and LFC-server-mysql rpms do not conflict
 #33066 [yaim] LFC and DPM oracle infosystem
 #33191 lfc-listusrmap gives Internal Error
 #33769 pool free space not updated after filesystem drain/removal
 #33920 dpm-drain fails to compile when use KRB5 mechanism
 #33921 dpm-qryconf does not compile when KRB5 is activated
 #33923 dpm-getspacemd.c doesn't compile when KRB5 is used
 #34664 There are some vulnerabilities in the LFC (LCG File Catalogue)
 #34808 [lcg-utils] lcg-gt segmentation fault
 #34818 [lcg-util] lcg_util-1.6.8-1.slc4 can't read physical files from SE directories
 #34950 [lcg-util] lcg-sd doesn't doesn't work with SRMv2 request token
 #34966 Please add support to abort SRM2 requests in the gFal API
 #34990 lcg-del gives strange charactor when lfn doesn't exist

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
DPM-client 1.6.10-4sec.slc4 DPM-client-1.6.10-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm APIs and CLIs for the DPM/DPNS
DPM-interfaces 1.6.10-4sec.slc4 DPM-interfaces-1.6.10-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm Disk Pool Manager Interfaces
GFAL-client 1.10.11-1.slc4 GFAL-client-1.10.11-1.slc4.i386.rpm Grid File Access Library
LFC-client 1.6.10-4sec.slc4 LFC-client-1.6.10-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm Client side libraries for the LFC
LFC-interfaces 1.6.10-4sec.slc4 LFC-interfaces-1.6.10-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm LCG File Catalog Interfaces
glite-UI 3.1.11-0 glite-UI-3.1.11-0.i386.rpm gLite metapackage (glite-UI)
lcg-dm-common 1.6.10-4sec.slc4 lcg-dm-common-1.6.10-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm LCG Data Management common libraries and man pages.
lcg_util 1.6.11-1.slc4 lcg_util-1.6.11-1.slc4.i386.rpm LCG utilities

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)