gLite 3.1
glite-UI - Update to version 3.1.11-0
Date |
22.04.08 |
Priority |
High |
Data Management
This update introduces a new DPM/LFC version (1.6.10) as well as an update of dm-util (lcg-util) and gfal.
The new DPM/LFC version provides several new features and
bug fixes, for example:
- fix problem of replication of a zero-length file improve logging of
updatefilestatus method
- DICOM back-end service for DPM
- producing re-buildable source RPMs
- group writable directories when SRM started with umask 0
- DPM-DSI: DPM's gridftp does not allow for ':' in SURL (GGUS ticket #32335)
- support for CKSM (md5 only yet)
GFAL and lcg_util
As new features, the new glite-data-gfal version (1.10.11-1) provides new functions gfal_abortrequest
and gfal_abortfilesseveral, and the new glite-data-dm-util (lcg_util) version (1.6.11-1) now prints the SE type
(SRMv1, SRMv2, Classic SE) in verbose mode (when relevant).
They also fix several bugs, such as:
- lcg-ls does not work for the classic SE
- lcg-cr glibc memory corruption
- gfal_stat seg. fault with dummy LFN
- lcg-sd doesn't doesn't work with SRMv2 request token
- lcg-gt segmentation fault
For the full list of fixed bugs, please see the patches 1738 and 1758 in
the list of patches on the main update page.
Known Issues
- When LFN doesn't exist, lcg-del prints out some strange character as
bug #34990.
- lcg-getturls may crash as described by
bug #35358. You can use "-p" option to avoid this problem.
Please also have a look at the list of known issues.
This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.
Fixed bugs
Number | Description |
#1441 |
nlinks in name server |
#18836 |
man page of dpns-chown is obsolete |
#30874 |
DPM-httpd breaks logrotate on DPM headnode |
#31028 |
2.1.4.-9 rfiod segfaults |
#31157 |
LFC information provider to be fixed |
#31806 |
Problems in configuring dpm-httpd using function config_DPM_https |
#31866 |
enabling dpm-https disables the other protocols (rfio, gridftp) |
#31976 |
[LFC] "-n" option missing from init.d and sysconfig files |
#31981 |
[LFC] Internal error when using lfc-enterusermap (1.6.7-1) |
#32252 |
gridview not configured on gLite3.1 DPM |
#32378 |
$ORACLE_LOCATION/client/lib is hardcoded for libraries |
#32818 |
no man page on lfc_getreplicasl |
#32978 |
lcg-info-provider-lfc : wrong mds-vo-name |
#32981 |
LFC-server-oracle and LFC-server-mysql rpms do not conflict |
#33066 |
[yaim] LFC and DPM oracle infosystem |
#33191 |
lfc-listusrmap gives Internal Error |
#33769 |
pool free space not updated after filesystem drain/removal |
#33920 |
dpm-drain fails to compile when use KRB5 mechanism |
#33921 |
dpm-qryconf does not compile when KRB5 is activated |
#33923 |
dpm-getspacemd.c doesn't compile when KRB5 is used |
#34664 |
There are some vulnerabilities in the LFC (LCG File Catalogue) |
#34808 |
[lcg-utils] lcg-gt segmentation fault |
#34818 |
[lcg-util] lcg_util-1.6.8-1.slc4 can't read physical files from SE directories |
#34950 |
[lcg-util] lcg-sd doesn't doesn't work with SRMv2 request token |
#34966 |
Please add support to abort SRM2 requests in the gFal API |
#34990 |
lcg-del gives strange charactor when lfn doesn't exist |
Updated rpms
The RPMs can be updated using yum via
Service reconfiguration after update
Not needed.
Service restart after update
Not needed.
How to apply the fix
- Update the RPMs (see above)
- Update configuration (see above)
- Restart the service if necessary (see above)