gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-UI > Update to glite-UI 3.1.10-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-UI - Update to version 3.1.10-0

Date 15.04.08
Priority High


Updates to glite-UI

glite-wms client

This updates provides a fix for the known issue of glite-wms-job-submit generating roughly 50KB log files for each job. There are also several other wms-related bug fixes, including the security hole reported as the bug #29600.


There are several bug fixes and site-info.def changes available in this updates. The list of bug fixes:
  • Missing Python path added.
  • SignificantAttributes has been added to glite_wms.conf.
  • Unneeded entries have been removed from PYTHONPATH.
  • Multiples LBs and WMSs can be now declared per VO.
  • /tmp/glite/glite-ui is now created.
site-info.def changes:
  • VO_<vo_name>_WMS_HOSTS: Space separated list of WMS host names. It's an optional variable. If it's defined it will ignore the WMS_HOST variable in the UI configuration.
  • VO_<vo_name>_LB_HOSTS: Space separated list of LB host names. It's an optional variable. If it's defined it will ignore the LB_HOST variable in the UI configuration.

This update introduces a new lcg-ManageVOTag version, which contains several bug fixes and new features as the inclusion of files including the tags to add or remove in the --add and --remove options. Also a replace feature has been included.

The new version of the lcg-vomscerts package (4.9.0) adds the next certificate for, removes the old certificate for, and improves the file access modes from 755 to 644.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #27685 Missing directory on UI installation
 #27895 glite-job-status and glite-job-logging-info python commands problems on query parameters
 #29600 WMProxy API Python/C++ security hole
 #30002 Impossible to specify LB different from WMS
 #31894 glite-wms-job-* commands log too much
 #32013 [ YAIM ] It should be able to specify more than one WMS per VO
 #32191 remove entries from PYTHONPATH for UI_TAR
 #32573 glite-wms-job* commands don't work with WMS hostname being an alias
 #33061 glite-wms-job* commands don't work with WMS with certificate DN format including "host/" clause
 #33521 Add attribute to /opt/glite/etc/<VO>/glite_wms.conf on UI
 #34245 the latests lcg-ManageVOTag version in PPS does not check the tag syntax
 #34346 /opt/fpconst/lib/python2.3/site-packages missing in PYTHONPATH on UI

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
glite-UI 3.1.10-0 glite-UI-3.1.10-0.i386.rpm gLite metapackage (glite-UI)
glite-dgas-hlr-clients 3.1.10-2.slc4 glite-dgas-hlr-clients-3.1.10-2.slc4.i386.rpm DGAS HLR clients: CE metering daemons and client tools for the HLR service
glite-jdl-api-cpp 3.1.14-1.slc4 glite-jdl-api-cpp-3.1.14-1.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.jdl.api-cpp v. 3.1.14-1
glite-lb-client-interface 3.1.1-1.slc4 glite-lb-client-interface-3.1.1-1.slc4.i386.rpm
glite-lb-client 3.1.5-1.slc4 glite-lb-client-3.1.5-1.slc4.i386.rpm
glite-lb-common 6.1.1-2.slc4 glite-lb-common-6.1.1-2.slc4.i386.rpm
glite-security-gsoap-plugin 1.5.2-1.slc4 glite-security-gsoap-plugin-1.5.2-1.slc4.i386.rpm
glite-security-voms-api-cpp 1.7.24-1.slc4 glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.7.24-1.slc4.i386.rpm v.
glite-wms-client 3.1.18-3.slc4 glite-wms-client-3.1.18-3.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms.client v. 3.1.18-3
glite-wms-common 3.1.19-3.slc4 glite-wms-common-3.1.19-3.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms.common v. 3.1.19-3
glite-wms-thirdparty-bypass 3.1.3-3.slc4 glite-wms-thirdparty-bypass-3.1.3-3.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms.thirdparty-bypass v. 3.1.3-3
glite-wms-ui-cli-python 3.2.2-1.slc4 glite-wms-ui-cli-python-3.2.2-1.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms-ui.cli-python v. 3.2.2-1
glite-wms-ui-wrap-python 3.2.3-3.slc4 glite-wms-ui-wrap-python-3.2.3-3.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms-ui.wrap-python v. 3.2.3-3
glite-wms-wmproxy-api-cpp 3.1.10-5.slc4 glite-wms-wmproxy-api-cpp-3.1.10-5.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms.wmproxy-api-cpp v. 3.1.10-5
glite-wms-wmproxy-api-python 3.1.8-4.slc4 glite-wms-wmproxy-api-python-3.1.8-4.slc4.i386.rpm org.glite.wms.wmproxy-api-python v. 3.1.8-4
glite-yaim-clients 4.0.3-3 glite-yaim-clients-4.0.3-3.noarch.rpm glite-yaim-clients module configures 3.0 and 3.1 UI, WN, TAR UI and TAR WN as well as 3.0 VOBOX
lcg-ManageVOTag 2.1.1-1 lcg-ManageVOTag-2.1.1-1.noarch.rpm lcg-ManageVOTag
lcg-vomscerts 4.9.0-1 lcg-vomscerts-4.9.0-1.noarch.rpm lcg-vomscerts

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)