Number | Description |
#14813 |
There is a possible vulnerability issue concerning config files |
#17287 |
Yaim is unabel to parse the spaces in the CA's name |
#20804 |
GlueCEInfoContactString should be a real URL |
#22605 |
Glue Service UniqueId issue |
#27571 |
YAIM's -check functionality should check the host certs as well. |
#28446 |
GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule should have VO: prefix |
#29539 |
Teach YAIM to create poolaccounts in the designated home area. |
#29595 |
BDII endpoint location change should be mentioned in the documentation |
#31288 |
YAIM should exit early if site-info.def is syntatically invalid. |
#31401 |
glite-{LFC,DPM}_oracle don't need oracle-instantclient-devel either |
#31505 |
[ YAIM ] yaim should check whether GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE has been defined in site-info.def |
#31762 |
yaim enhancement, rpm creation from the configuration files. |
#31831 |
glite-yaim-core config_gip does not create the directories it needs |
#31895 |
site-BDII doesn't publish its own information |
#31896 |
deprecated values in the example site-info.def |
#31897 |
Change hard-coded lcmaps and lcas DB file name to be changeable |
#32275 |
yaim command must not "set -a" |
#32674 |
GLITE_LOCATION_VAR missing on 3.1.0-2 |
#32706 |
[ YAIM ] "lcg-CE" should be used instead of "CE" |
#32727 |
config_vomses doesn't remove /opt/edg/etc/vomses |
#32731 |
[ YAIM ] <queues>_GROUP_ENABLE variables should be defined |
#32816 |
YAIM should configure the GlueCEImplementationName for the LCG CE |
#32897 |
[ YAIM ] -v option doesn't always work |
#33170 |
[ YAIM ] YAIM should improve the way it parses the command arguments |
#33377 |
[ YAIM ] yaim should prepend and not append path-like variables |
#33530 |
WN software release 3_1_5-0 breaks local user environment |
#33593 |
[ YAIM ] default/ files should also be taken into account |
#33755 |
[ YAIM ] config_vomsdir should only configure the VOs with VO__VOMS_CA_DN defined |
#33885 |
[ YAIM ] config_sysconfig_globus: GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE is hardcoded |
#7709 |
Service endpoints should be correct or NULL |