gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-TORQUE_utils > Update to glite-TORQUE_utils 3.1.2-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-TORQUE_utils - Update to version 3.1.2-0

Date 21.02.08
Priority Normal


In this update, the maui and maui-client packages have been added in the glite-TORQUE_utils metapackage. In addition, there are some changes in configuration:
  • There is a new function to configure maui in the TORQUE server. The new function is called config_maui_cfg and it's distributed in glite-yaim-torque-utils.
  • This fix implied removing maui configuration from config_torque_server in glite-yaim-torque-server.
  • config_torque_submitter_ssh has also been removed from TORQUE_server since it's now called in TORQUE_utils.
TORQUE_server should always be called before TORQUE_utils, since TORQUE should be configured before we configure maui. The way the batch system should be configured is:
-n lcg-CE -n TORQUE_server -n TORQUE_utils
-n TORQUE_server -n TORQUE_utils

There is also a glite-yaim-core update, which however provides no change for this particular service.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #22717 SERVERHOST $TORQUE_SERVER is missing in /var/spool/maui/maui.cfg
 #22970 CPU totals not configurable in YAIM
 #30857 YAIM -> remove in TORQUE server configuration the BLParserPBS init script
 #31042 Maui client is missing on node type glite-TORQUE_utils
 #32786 config_lcgenv doesn't setup MYPROXY_SERVER
 #33018 [ YAIM ] config_gip_service_release should check whether the info provider file exists
 #33230 [ YAIM ] GLITE_LOCATION_VAR should be used in config_gip_only
 #33271 yaim configuration for 64bit Worker Node

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
glite-TORQUE_utils 3.1.2-0 glite-TORQUE_utils-3.1.2-0.i386.rpm gLite metapackage (glite-TORQUE_utils)
glite-yaim-core 4.0.3-13 glite-yaim-core-4.0.3-13.noarch.rpm glite-yaim-core
glite-yaim-torque-utils 4.0.2-2 glite-yaim-torque-utils-4.0.2-2.noarch.rpm glite-yaim-torque-utils module configures the TORQUE utils.
maui-client 3.2.6p19_20.snap.1182974819-4.slc4 maui-client-3.2.6p19_20.snap.1182974819-4.slc4.i386.rpm Client for the MAUI schedular from
maui 3.2.6p19_20.snap.1182974819-4.slc4 maui-3.2.6p19_20.snap.1182974819-4.slc4.i386.rpm The Maui supercluster scheduler

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)