gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-TORQUE_utils > Update to glite-TORQUE_utils 3.1.13-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-TORQUE_utils - Update to version 3.1.13-0

Date 16.03.2010
Priority Normal


glite-AMGA_oracle, glite-AMGA_postgres, glite-BDII, glite-CONDOR_utils, glite-CREAM, glite-FTA_oracle, glite-FTM, glite-FTS_oracle, glite-HYDRA_mysql, glite-LB, glite-LFC_mysql, glite-LFC_oracle, glite-LSF_utils, glite-MON, glite-MPI_utils, glite-PX, glite-SCAS, glite-SE_dcache_admin_gdbm, glite-SE_dcache_admin_postgres, glite-SE_dcache_info, glite-SE_dcache_pool, glite-SE_dpm_disk, glite-SE_dpm_mysql, glite-SGE_utils, glite-TORQUE_client, glite-TORQUE_server, glite-TORQUE_utils, glite-UI, glite-VOBOX, glite-VOMS_mysql, glite-VOMS_oracle, glite-WMS, glite-WN, lcg-CE

The LB patch introduces a new version of glite-version.

glite-MON, lcg-CE, glite-TORQUE_utils, glite-CONDOR_utils, glite-SGE_utils, glite-LSF_utils, glite-CREAM

APEL (affecting monbox and utils packages for various batch systems) with several bug fixes

  • APEL will now read the CPUScalingReferenceSI00 value from the site GIIS. If this value is not available, APEL will read GlueHostbenchmarkSI00.
  • SGE log files with format accounting-YYYYMMDD and accounting-YYYYMMDD.gz are now parsed.
  • Entries in the SGE accounting log file with queue name containing a dot are now read by the APEL parser.
  • Out of memory error in parser (for grid-jobmap files) fixed.
  • Problems parsing different versions of LSF log files fixed. Also fixed parsing of parallel jobs in LSF.
  • Removed reference to IPv6 non compliant address in database script.
  • APEL publisher can now use external public keys (from a file) to encrypt UserDNs. The location of the public key file can be set up in the publisher configuration file (/opt/glite/etc/glite-apel-publisher/publisher-config-yaim.conf) <JoinProcessor publishGlobalUserName="yes" publicKeyLocation="/encryption/key/public.der">

Note that the new version of APEL will read the CPU power (specint rating) from the GlueCECapability CPUScalingReferenceSI00 attribute if it is published, so please check that the value is correct (the same as the GlueHostBenchmarkSI00 attribute) and that your APEL accounting records look OK after the upgrade.

glite-MPI_utils, glite-TORQUE_client, glite-TORQUE_server, glite-TORQUE_utils

New version of MPI_utils

This release of the glite-MPI_utils fixes a long known dependency issue with an incompatible torque library provided by the torque RPM.

There have been several updates to glite-yaim-mpi:

  • The YAIM configuration will now look in the YAIM "services" configuration directory for configuration details.
  • There have been minor changes to the YAIM MPI configuration scripts which fix some observed problems relating to variable assignment.

The default MPI installation is now OPENMPI, which is provided by the Scientific Linux distribution.

Support for MPICH1 and MPICH2 has been discontinued on SL4. MPICH2 is available for SL5.

The MPI-START scripts have been improved to detect if the user is compiling code under 64 bit or 32 bit versions of mpicc.

The supplied OPENMPI packages are compiled with support for Infiniband. If your site does not support infiniband, openmpi will output warnings. To fix this problem at your site, please see: The affected files are:
SL4: /usr/lib/openmpi/1.2.8-gcc/etc/openmpi-mca-params.conf SL5 /usr/lib64/openmpi/1.2.7-gcc/etc/openmpi-mca-params.conf

The vendor provided version of OpenMPI is not compiled with Torque support. This affects sites not using shared homes and who are not using ssh to distribute job related files between worker nodes.

In order to allow the site to compile and install their own custom MPI rpms, this metapackage removes the explicit requirement of any devel and lib packages. Further details on compiling OpenMPI with torque support can be found under:

There is a bug #62612 ( ) which hopefully will be fixed later.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #26518 APEL Publisher should imports third party RSA keys
 #35770 Wrong parsing of the LB events which contains the string ending with '' in field DG.USERTAG.VALUE
 #41007 Missing Dependency by package mpiexec
 #41213 IPv6 bug: non compliant address data in source code
 #43175 APEL SGE parser getting wrong value from SGE log file
 #46729 APEL cannot parse parallel jobs in LSF
 #48163 interlogger files may grow indefinitely
 #48875 [ yaim-mpi ] yaim doesn't configure properly MPI environment on WNs|CE
 #51176 APEL should read CPUScalingReferenceSI00 from GLUE if available
 #52555 obsolete version of i2g-mpi-start package in glite production repositories
 #52560 [ yaim-mpi ] mpirun: <user's executable>: command not found
 #53359 APEL OutOfMemory exception in parser when parsing too many grid-jobmap files.
 #54557 OpenMPI should be added to glite-MPI_utils
 #54558 mpich should be upgraded to mpich2 in glite-MPI_utils
 #55482 LB server version not published correctly
 #56598 APEL won't read SGE records with queue containing dots
 #56599 APEL doesn't read SGE accounting log files with format accounting-YYYYMMDD

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
glite-TORQUE_utils 3.1.13-0 glite-TORQUE_utils-3.1.13-0.i386.rpm gLite metapackage (glite-TORQUE_utils)
glite-apel-core 2.0.11-0 glite-apel-core-2.0.11-0.noarch.rpm Core components of the Apel accounting application
glite-version 3.1.1-2 glite-version-3.1.1-2.noarch.rpm Shows version information for the installed gLite node types

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)