gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-SGE_utils > 3.1.6-0  

gLite 3.1

glite-SGE_utils V. 3.1.6-0

RPM list in .txt format

Packages provided by gLite repository
Name Version Architecture Description
glite-SGE_utils 3.1.6-0 i386 gLite metapackage (glite-SGE_utils)
glite-apel-core 2.0.9-8 noarch Core components of the Apel accounting application
glite-apel-sge 2.0.6-2 noarch CONDOR log parser plugin
glite-info-dynamic-sge 1.0.0-1 noarch The SGE information plugin to gLite middleware
glite-info-generic 2.0.2-3 noarch glite-info-generic
glite-version 3.1.0-1.slc4 i386 glite-version
glite-yaim-core 4.0.5-7 noarch glite-yaim-core
glite-yaim-lcg-ce 4.0.4-4 noarch glite-yaim-lcg-ce module configures 3.0 and 3.1 lcg CE.
glite-yaim-sge-utils 4.0.1-4 noarch glite-yaim-sge-utils module configure SGE utils.
lcg-extra-jobmanagers 1.1.15-1 noarch Jobmanagers for PBS and LSF that do not rely on a shared fs between CE WNs.
lcg-jobmanager-sge 2.0.0-1 noarch The SGE JobManager to gLite middleware
vdt_globus_essentials VDT1.6.1x86_rhas_4-7 i386 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_jobmanager_common VDT1.6.1x86_rhas_4_LCG-3 i386 vdt_globus_jobmanager_common-VDT1.6.1x86_rhas_4-7 with LCG change
vdt_globus_rm_essentials VDT1.6.1x86_rhas_4-7 i386 Virtual Data Toolkit
Packages provided by Jpackage repository
Name Version Architecture
bouncycastle 1.37-5jpp noarch
bouncycastle-jdk1.5 1.37-5jpp noarch
gnu-crypto-sasl-jdk1.4 2.1.0-2jpp noarch
log4j 1.2.14-4.jpp5 noarch
sun-jaf 1.1-3jpp noarch
sun-mail 1.4-3jpp noarch
Packages provided by DAG repository
Name Version Architecture
perl-Authen-SASL 2.11-1.el4.rf noarch
perl-GSSAPI 0.26-1.el4.rf i386
perl-MIME-Lite 3.021-1.el4.rf noarch
perl-Net-Jabber 2.0-1.2.el4.rf noarch
perl-Net-XMPP 1.02-1.el4.rf noarch
perl-SOAP-Lite 0.710.08-1.el4.rf noarch
perl-XML-Simple 2.18-1.el4.rf noarch
perl-XML-Stream 1.22-1.2.el4.rf noarch
perl-version 0.74-1.el4.rf i386