gLite 3.1
glite-SGE_utils - Update to version 3.1.3-0
Date |
29.05.08 |
Priority |
Normal |
This update introduces also a new JobManager version for SGE. Major improvements are:
- Includes support for DGAS job records
- Now SGE JobManager submits jobs with CE environment using qsub -V (Fix to question raised in bug #33666)
- Now SGE JM can submit qstat queries to different qmaster ports including the "$SGE_QMASTER= '<PORT>'" in the lcgsge.conf JM configuration file.
Please also have a look at the list of known issues.
Updated rpms
The RPMs can be updated using yum via
Service reconfiguration after update
Not needed.
Service restart after update
Not needed.
How to apply the fix
- Update the RPMs (see above)
- Update configuration (see above)
- Restart the service if necessary (see above)