gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-SE_dpm_mysql > Update to glite-SE_dpm_mysql 3.1.8-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-SE_dpm_mysql - Update to version 3.1.8-0

Date 07.04.08
Priority Normal


This updates contains the new vdt_globus_essentials package. In addtion, there is a DPM update. The further version upgrade (lcg-service-proxy) has been introduced for the glite-MON server and it should not affect this service.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #24641 LD_ASSUME_KERNEL no longer needed
 #31015 YAIM should configure UserDN and FQAN processing in APEL
 #33501 yaim-mon attempts to start mysql even if it is not insatalled
 #33769 pool free space not updated after filesystem drain/removal
 #34799 DPM: creation of new directories with wrong mask

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
DPM-server-mysql 1.6.7-4sec.slc4 DPM-server-mysql-1.6.7-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm DPM MySQL Server
DPM-srm-server-mysql 1.6.7-4sec.slc4 DPM-srm-server-mysql-1.6.7-4sec.slc4.i386.rpm SRM MySQL Servers
glite-SE_dpm_mysql 3.1.8-0 glite-SE_dpm_mysql-3.1.8-0.i386.rpm gLite metapackage (glite-SE_dpm_mysql)
lcg-service-proxy 1.0.3-2 lcg-service-proxy-1.0.3-2.noarch.rpm LCG Service Proxy
vdt_globus_essentials VDT1.6.1x86_rhas_4-6 vdt_globus_essentials-VDT1.6.1x86_rhas_4-6.i386.rpm Virtual Data Toolkit

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Service must be restarted.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)