gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-LSF_utils > 3.1.8-0  

gLite 3.1

glite-LSF_utils V. 3.1.8-0

RPM list in .txt format

Packages provided by gLite repository
Name Version Architecture Description
glite-LSF_utils 3.1.8-0 i386 gLite metapackage (glite-LSF_utils)
glite-apel-core 2.0.9-13 noarch Core components of the Apel accounting application
glite-apel-lsf 2.0.8-4 noarch LSF log parser plugin
glite-info-dynamic-scheduler-lsf 2.0.5-1 noarch glite-info-dynamic-scheduler-lsf
glite-version 3.1.0-1.slc4 i386 glite-version
glite-yaim-core 4.0.11-2 noarch YAIM core package
glite-yaim-lsf-utils 4.0.1-1 noarch org.glite.yaim.lsf-utils
lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-generic 2.2.2-1 noarch GIP plugin for VO-specific scheduler info such as Estimated Response Time and Free Slots. This RPM contains the batch-system independent part. This RPM contains a document detailing how the batch-system specific information should be reported so that the code here can read it and compute the necessary information.
python-logging 0.4.6-1 noarch Python logging module
Packages provided by Scientific Linux CERN (SLC) repository (not available in Scientific Linux repository)
Name Version Architecture
perl-TimeDate 1.16-5.el4 noarch
Packages provided by Jpackage repository
Name Version Architecture
bcel 5.1-16.jpp5 noarch
bouncycastle 1.43-1.jpp5 noarch
classpathx-mail 1.1.2-1.jpp5 noarch
geronimo-jaf-1.0.2-api 1.2-13.jpp5 noarch
geronimo-javamail-1.4-api 1.2-13.jpp5 noarch
geronimo-jms-1.1-api 1.2-13.jpp5 noarch
geronimo-specs-poms 1.2-13.jpp5 noarch
glassfish-jaf 1.1.0-5.jpp5 noarch
glassfish-javamail 1.4.0-3.jpp5 noarch
jakarta-commons-logging 1.1-8.jpp5 noarch
log4j 1.2.14-15.jpp5 noarch
mx4j 3.0.1-9.jpp5 noarch
regexp 1.5-1.jpp5 noarch
xml-commons 1.3.04-5.jpp5 noarch
xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis 1.3.04-5.jpp5 noarch
xml-commons-resolver11 1.3.04-5.jpp5 noarch