Number | Description |
#27803 |
FTS: agent problem in pure delegation mode |
#28272 |
FTS with yaim 4.0: lock/pid file directories are not evaluated correctly |
#28524 |
Missing -o parameter from glite-transfer-submit help |
#28583 |
srmcopy transfers do not create target directory |
#29390 |
FTS: SRMCopy timeout does not work |
#29405 |
Modify error message "No SRM method factory found" |
#29676 |
config_java not needed at all when using jpackage java. |
#30034 |
FTS: cannot set numerical channel properties to zero |
#30059 |
FTS: dead logfiles jamming up FTS |
#30191 |
Database connection problem with SL4 FTS installation. |
#30222 |
Transfers failing with empty message for invalid size errors |
#30238 |
glite-data-config-service status failing on SL4. |
#30268 |
FTS gets wrong endpoint version |
#30270 |
FTS: error parsing SURLs |
#30271 |
FTS: DB cache issue with the status of running jobs |
#30294 |
The FTS should run on SL4. |
#31099 |
FTS: bad channel allocation error message |
#32007 |
FTS does not set desiredFileLifetime and desiredFileStorageType if a space token is specified |
#33148 |
FTS: error in srmGetSpaceTokens in SRM copy push transfers |
#33172 |
FTS: if #streams == 1, transfer-url-copy should still set OPTS parellism to 1 |
#33426 |
[FTA] Missleading log message |
#33460 |
FTS: extend db schema |
#33528 |
FTS: change the gridFTP session handling so that the copy and getFileSize are done in the same session |
#33893 |
FTS RFE: handle source space tokens |
#33894 |
FTS RFE: option to turn off automatic target directory creation and check |
#33896 |
FTS RFE: handle first transfer marker timeout |
#35374 |
FTS: transfer-submit fails |
#36331 |
FTS: upgrade from schema 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 does not work |
#36339 |
FTS: info provider is not packaged |
#36349 |
FTA: logrotate 90 days for fts data transfer agents |
#37145 |
info provider does not work out of the box |
#37637 |
FTS/Yaim: JAVA_HOME should not be set |
#38093 |
FTA: transfer timeout parameters from config to DB |