Number | Description |
#36206 |
In some cases CREAM doesn't tell CEMon about job termination |
#36413 |
In some cases static subscriptions may be dropped |
#36469 |
Problems in case of 2 subscriptions with same rate occuring when there are problems with the first one |
#37683 |
CREAM must retry to get a new connection with BLParser if it goes down. |
#37851 |
Misleading error message reported by CREAM in some cases when there is a problem with glexec |
#38029 |
The gridFTP URL provided by CREAM to the user for the file staging, must present always the fully qualified host name. |
#38420 |
Automatic job purger needed for CREAM |
#38629 |
In some cases CREAM ignores the notifications sent by BLParser. |
#38631 |
The execution of e new command fails whether the previous one is not terminated yet |
#39131 |
Memory leak in CREAM |
#39132 |
Memory leak in CEMon |
#39656 |
CEMon must not send notifications with empty events |
#40331 |
Authorization does not work with operation JobList |
#40920 |
No such file or directory error in the execution of the script |
#41036 |
"No returnType was specified to the Call object! You must call setReturnType() if you have called addParameter()." |
#41122 |
CEMon doesn't throw the right exception |
#41189 |
CREAM DB tables should be created specifying INNODB as engine |
#41382 |
An error occurs submitting a jdl file with the CERequirements property value not placed inside quotation marks. |
#41713 |
The retrieveOlderJobId method fails when the userId field isn't null. |
#41716 |
Problem in forwarding requirements on a CREAM CE |
#41724 |
sql query optmization for fetchCommand() method |
#41809 |
Automatic Job Purger doesn't work properly |
#41818 |
BLAHExecutor error: Broken pipe |
#41823 |
Job is still REALLY_RUNNING |
#41880 |
CREAM should handle the NullPointerException thrown by |
#42096 |
jdl without OutputSandbox parameter. |
#42191 |
BLParserPBS could crash for an unchecked jobid condition |
#42290 |
Job not found on JobInfo method. |
#42324 |
BLParser problem with CREAM notification |
#42401 |
CREAM doesn't properly manage the JDL attribute MWVersion |
#42649 |
JobRegister fails due to too many connections to the cream database. |