gLite > gLite 3.1 > glite-AMGA_postgres > Update to glite-AMGA_postgres 3.1.5-0  



gLite 3.1

glite-AMGA_postgres - Update to version 3.1.5-0

Date 22.05.08
Priority Normal


YAIM (Job Priorities implementation)

This update of yaim core contains, among other general bug fixes, the solution proposed by the Job Priorities Working Group concerning resource shares and priorities.

For more information, please check the following documents:
  • EGEE Job Priorities Implementation Plan [Word document]
  • Release notes of the gLite patch for Job Priorities implementation [web page]

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #14813 There is a possible vulnerability issue concerning config files
 #17287 Yaim is unabel to parse the spaces in the CA's name
 #20804 GlueCEInfoContactString should be a real URL
 #22605 Glue Service UniqueId issue
 #27571 YAIM's -check functionality should check the host certs as well.
 #28446 GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule should have VO: prefix
 #29539 Teach YAIM to create poolaccounts in the designated home area.
 #29595 BDII endpoint location change should be mentioned in the documentation
 #31288 YAIM should exit early if site-info.def is syntatically invalid.
 #31401 glite-{LFC,DPM}_oracle don't need oracle-instantclient-devel either
 #31505 [ YAIM ] yaim should check whether GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE has been defined in site-info.def
 #31762 yaim enhancement, rpm creation from the configuration files.
 #31831 glite-yaim-core config_gip does not create the directories it needs
 #31895 site-BDII doesn't publish its own information
 #31896 deprecated values in the example site-info.def
 #31897 Change hard-coded lcmaps and lcas DB file name to be changeable
 #32275 yaim command must not "set -a"
 #32674 GLITE_LOCATION_VAR missing on 3.1.0-2
 #32706 [ YAIM ] "lcg-CE" should be used instead of "CE"
 #32727 config_vomses doesn't remove /opt/edg/etc/vomses
 #32731 [ YAIM ] <queues>_GROUP_ENABLE variables should be defined
 #32816 YAIM should configure the GlueCEImplementationName for the LCG CE
 #32897 [ YAIM ] -v option doesn't always work
 #33170 [ YAIM ] YAIM should improve the way it parses the command arguments
 #33377 [ YAIM ] yaim should prepend and not append path-like variables
 #33530 WN software release 3_1_5-0 breaks local user environment
 #33593 [ YAIM ] default/ files should also be taken into account
 #33755 [ YAIM ] config_vomsdir should only configure the VOs with VO__VOMS_CA_DN defined
 #33885 [ YAIM ] config_sysconfig_globus: GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE is hardcoded
 #7709 Service endpoints should be correct or NULL

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
glite-AMGA_postgres 3.1.5-0 glite-AMGA_postgres-3.1.5-0.i386.rpm gLite metapackage (glite-AMGA_postgres)
glite-yaim-core 4.0.4-2 glite-yaim-core-4.0.4-2.noarch.rpm glite-yaim-core

The RPMs can be updated using yum via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)