gLite 3.0

lcg-CE V. 3.0.13-1

RPM list in .txt format

RPM name Description
ares-devel-1.1.1-cel3 ares
bdii-3.8.8-1 Berkeley Database Information Index
boost-g3-1.29.1-06vh_sl3 The boost libraries
bouncycastle-jdk14-1.19-2 Provides the BouncyCastle Crypto suite.
CGSI_gSOAP_2.3-1.1.5-1 GSI plugin for gSOAP
CGSI_gSOAP_2.6-1.1.15-6 GSI plugin for gSOAP
classads-g3-0.9.4-vh7_sl3 classads
classads-jar-1.1-2 it provides the classad jar files
cleanup-grid-accounts-1.0.2-1 cleanup grid accounts
cog-jar-1.1-1 it provides the cog jar files
commons-cli-1.0_beta2_edg-2edg Jakarta Commons Command Line Interface
cppunit-1.10.2-3 The C++ Unit Test Library
edg-allschema-config-0.2.1-1 MDS configuration files for standalone EDG GIIS
edg-brokerinfo_gcc3_2_2-2.1-5_sl3 Provides the BrokerInfo Interfaces.
edg-fabricMonitoring-2.5.4-4 EDG fabric monitoring package.
edg_gatekeeper-gcc32dbg_pgm-2.2.17-1 edg_gatekeeper-gcc32dbg_pgm
edg-gpt-profile-1.0.0-1 edg-gpt-profile
edg-gridftp-client-1.2.5-1 GridFTP client commands
edg-gridftpd-1.1.2-1_sl3 Globus gridftp server with hooks for LCAS and LCMAPS
edg-info-ce-lcg2.6.39-1_sl3 edg-info-ce
edg-info-main-lcg3.0.23-1_sl3 Grid Information Systems-information providers
edg-info-service-1.0.0-1 Grid Information Systems-information providers
edg-java-data-util-1.3.22-1_sl3 Grid enabled middleware services - edg-java-data-util module.
edg-java-security-1.5.11-1_sl3 Grid enabled middleware services - Java Security module.
edg-java-security-client-1.5.11-1_sl3 Client libraries for using the EDG Java Security module
edg-java-security-test-1.5.11-1_sl3 test scripts for the EDG Java Security module
edg-lcas_gcc3_2_2-1.1.22-1_sl3 Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) for EDG
edg-lcas_gcc3_2_2-interface-1.0.3-1_sl3 interface to the Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)
edg-lcas_gcc3_2_2-voms_plugins-1.1.22-1_sl3 VOMS LCAS plugins
edg-lcmaps_gcc3_2_2-0.0.30-1_sl3 Local Centre Mapping Service (LCMAPS) for EDG
edg-lcmaps_gcc3_2_2-basic_plugins-0.0.30-1_sl3 Basic LCMAPS plugins
edg-lcmaps_gcc3_2_2-dummy_plugins-0.0.30-1_sl3 Plugins that always return "yes" or always return "no"
edg-lcmaps_gcc3_2_2-interface-0.0.1-1_sl3 interface to the Local Centre Mapping Service (LCMAPS)
edg-lcmaps_gcc3_2_2-voms_plugins-0.0.30-1_sl3 VOMS LCMAPS plugins
edg-mkgridmap-2.9.0-1 A tool to build the grid-mapfile
edg-mkgridmap-conf-2.9.0-1 edg-mkgridmap configuration files
edg-netconf-1.1.3-1_sl3 Automatic Network Configuration for DataGRID
edg-netmon-info-provider-1.0.8-1_sl3 edg-netmon-info-provider for Datagrid
edg-pool2info-1.0.1-1_sl3 %{pkgname}
edg-profile-2.0.9-1 edg-profile
edg-wl-bypass_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.5.3-29_sl3 workload management system
edg-wl-chkpt-api_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload checkpointing api written in cpp
edg-wl-common-api_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload common api written in cpp
edg-wl-common-api-java_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload common api written in java
edg-wl-common-api-java-interface_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload common class files
edg-wl-config_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload common configuration
edg-wl-locallogger_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload locallogger
edg-wl-logging-api-c_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload logging api c
edg-wl-logging-api-cpp_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload logging api cpp
edg-wl-logging-api-sh_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload logging api sh
edg-wl-services-common_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload common services
edg-wl-ui-api-cpp_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload ui api cpp
edg-wl-ui-api-java_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload ui api java
edg-wl-ui-api-java-interface_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload ui api java interface
edg-wl-ui-cli_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload command line interface
edg-wl-ui-config_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload ui config
edg-wl-ui-gui_gcc3_2_2-lcg2.1.74-3_sl3 EDG Workload graphical user interface
fetch-crl-2.6.0-1 Tool for periodic retrieval of Certificate Revocation Lists
gacl-0.9.2-1_gcc3_2_2_sl3 Grid ACL handling library
glite-apel-condor-2.0.3-1 CONDOR log parser plugin
glite-apel-core-2.0.5-1 Core components of the Apel accounting application
glite-apel-lsf-2.0.4-1 LSF log parser plugin
glite-apel-pbs-2.0.3-1 PBS log parser plugin
glite-apel-publisher-2.0.6-1 Apel account record publisher
glite-apel-sge-2.0.3-1 CONDOR log parser plugin
glite-essentials-cpp-1.1.1-1_EGEE Essential C/C++ libraries for gLite software
glite-essentials-java-1.2.0-2_EGEE Set of JAVA libraries essential for gLite middleware
glite-rgma-api-c-5.0.10-1 C API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-api-cpp-5.0.15-1 C++ API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-api-java-5.0.5-1 Java API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-api-python-5.0.12-1 Python API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-base-5.0.7-1 R-GMA basic configuration and documentation
glite-rgma-command-line-5.0.4-1 R-GMA command line
glite-rgma-gin-5.0.9-1 R-GMA Gin
glite-rgma-log4cpp-5.0.3-1 log4cpp appender for R-GMA
glite-rgma-log4j-5.0.2-1 R-GMA log4j tool
glite-rgma-stubs-servlet-java-5.0.9-1 Java client implementation stubs for R-GMA
glite-security-trustmanager-1.8.3-1 The java certificate path checkin for proxy certs in SSL with plugins for tomcat and axis.
glite-security-util-java-1.3.4-1 The java utilities library for security
glite-security-voms-admin-client-1.2.15-1 gLite VOMS Administration clients
glite-security-voms-admin-interface-1.0.5-1 gLite VOMS Administration service (interface)
glite-security-voms-api-1.7.16-2 gLite Security VOMS APIs
glite-security-voms-api-c-1.7.16-2 Change me !!!
glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.7.16-2 Change me !!!
glite-security-voms-clients-1.7.16-2 Change me !!!
glite-yaim-3.0.1-16 glite-yaim
globus-config-0.23-1.lcg Globus Toolkit configuration with edg-gridftpd
globus-initialization-2.2.4-5 Script for an alternate initialization of Globus
glue-schema-1.2.2-1_sl3 glue-schema
gpt-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 The Grid Packaging Toolkit (GPT)
gridice-sensor-1.6.0-23 gridice-sensor
gsiopenssh-VDT1.2.6rhas_3-2 Virtual Data Toolkit
gssklog-cern-0.10-1 CERN modified Douglas E. Engert's gssklog-%{version} client
j2sdk_profile-1.4.2_08-sl3 j2sdk profile
jakarta-axis-1.1rc2-3 The Jakarta project Axis Web Service engine.
jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.2-lcg1_sl3 Jakarta Commons Logging Package
jas-jar-1.0.0-1 jas JAR
jug-1.0.2_edg-edg2 Java UUID Generator
jxUtil-jar-1.0.1-1 jxUtil JAR
lcg-auditlog-1.1.1-1_sl3 Configuring audit logging
lcg-CE-3.0.13-1 LCG CE node
lcg-dgas-tools-1.0.0-1_sl3 Tools used by the LCG-CE to log DGAS job records.
lcg-expiregridmapdir-2.0.0-1 expire least recently used pool accounts as needed
lcg-extra-jobmanagers-1.1.12-1_sl3 Jobmanagers for PBS and LSF that do not rely on a shared fs between CE/WNs.
lcg-info-dynamic-condor-1.1.1-1_sl3 Condor dynamic information provider.
lcg-info-dynamic-lsf-1.0.9-3_sl3 LSF dynamic information provider.
lcg-info-dynamic-pbs-1.0.12-1_sl3 PBS dynamic information provider.
lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-condor-0.2.0-1 Plugin for the lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler GIP plugin. The plugin here is for Condor (scheduler/LRMS).
lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-generic-2.1.0-1 GIP plugin for VO-specific scheduler info such as Estimated Response Time and Free Slots. This RPM contains the batch-system independent part. This RPM contains a document detailing how the batch-system specific information should be reported so that the code here can read it and compute the necessary information.
lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler-pbs-2.0.0-1 Plugins for the lcg-info-dynamic-scheduler GIP plugin. The two plugins here are for Maui (scheduler) and PBS/Torque (LRMS).
lcg-info-dynamic-software-1.0.3-1_sl3 Installed software dynamic information provider.
lcg-info-generic-1.0.22-1_sl3 Generic information provider.
lcg-info-provider-software-1.0.5-1_sl3 Installed software provider information provider.
lcg-info-templates-1.0.15-1_sl3 Templates for the Generic Information Provider
lcg-lcas-lcmaps-1.1.1-1 LCAS-LCMAPS configuration files for VOMS and/or gridmapfile authentication
lcg-pbs-utils-1.0.0-1 LCG specific utilities for the PBS server
lcg-schema-1.2.1-1_sl3 lcg-schema
lcg-tank-gcc32dbg-2.0-1_sl3 lcg-tank
lcg-tankspark-conf-2.0-2_sl3 lcg-tankspark-conf
lcg-version-3.0.2-1 lcg version info
lcg-vomscert-na48-1.0.0-1 VOMS server certificate for VO "na48"
lcg-vomscerts-4.5.0-1 lcg-vomscerts
log4j-1.2.6-1jpp Java logging package
mm.mysql-2.0.14-1edg JDBC driver for MySQL A Portable Implementation of MPI
mpiexec-0.77-3.sl3 mpiexec--replacement for mpirun
myproxy-config-1.1.8-13.edg1 myproxy-config
myproxy-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
mysql++_1.7.9_mysql.4.0.13__LCG_rh73_gcc32-1-1 LCG Applications Area Project
MySQL-client-4.1.11-0 MySQL - Client
MySQL-devel-4.1.11-0 MySQL - Development header files and libraries
MySQL-server-4.1.11-0 MySQL: a very fast and reliable SQL database server
MySQL-shared-4.0.25-sl3 MySQL - Shared libraries
netlogger-jar-1.0.0-1 NetLogger JAR
perl-Convert-ASN1-0.18-sl3 A set of Perl classes implementing conversion from/to ASN.1 data structures using BER/DER rules.
perl-Crypt-SSLeay-0.51-4 Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
perl-File-Tail-0.98-cel3 File-Tail module for perl (temp)
perl-IO-Socket-SSL-0.96-sl3 a true drop-in replacement for IO::Socket::INET that uses SSL to encrypt data before it is transferred to a remote server or client
perl-Net-LDAP-0.2701-1.dag.rhel3 A set of Perl classes implementing an LDAP client.
perl-Net-SSLeay-1.23-0.dag.rhel3 Net-SSLeay module for perl.
perl-TermReadKey-2.20-12 A perl module for simple terminal control.
perl-Tie-Syslog-1.07-1 The Perl package Tie-Syslog
perl-Time-HiRes-1.38-3 A Perl module for precise time measurements.
perl-XML-SAX-Base-1.04-1 The Perl package XML-SAX-Base
python-logging-0.4.6-1 Python logging module
swig-runtime-1.3.21-1_EGEE swig-runtime
torque-2.1.6-1cri_sl3_2st Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager
uberftp-client-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-2 replacement for VDT1.2.2rh9 providing UberFTP 1.18
vdt_globus_data_server-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_essentials-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-2 vdt_globus_essentials-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 with LCG fixes
vdt_globus_info_client-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_info_essentials-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_info_server-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_jobmanager_condor-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-3 vdt_globus_jobmanager_condor-VDT1.2.2rh9 with LCG mods
vdt_globus_jobmanager_lsf-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-3 vdt_globus_jobmanager_lsf-VDT1.2.2rh9 with LCG mods
vdt_globus_jobmanager_pbs-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-3 vdt_globus_jobmanager_pbs-VDT1.2.2rh9 with LCG mods
vdt_globus_rls_client-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_rm_client-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_rm_essentials-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_rm_server-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 Virtual Data Toolkit
vdt_globus_sdk-VDT1.2.2rh9_LCG-2 vdt_globus_sdk-VDT1.2.2rh9-1 with LCG fixes
voms-client_gcc3_2_2-1.5.4-2_sl3 voms client
xerces-c-1.7.0-sl3 XML parser
xerces-j1-1.4.4-12jpp Java XML parser
xml-commons-1.0-0.b2.3jpp_sl3 Common code for XML projects
xml-commons-apis-1.0-0.b2.3jpp_sl3 APIs subproject of xml-commons

Additional required packages that are not provided by gLite:

j2sdk V.1.4.2