Page updated: 21/03/2007
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gLite 3.0

glite-WMSLB - Update to version 2.4.3

Date 21.08.2006
Priority Normal


This update fixes various bug. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Known Issues

LCMAPS logs problem

Please run the following after configuring a WMS

  • touch /var/log/glite/lcmaps.log
  • chown glite.glite /var/log/glite/lcmaps.log
The GLITE_LOCATION environment is not defined for some of the services. The solution is to modify /opt/glite/etc/init.d/* to set some default value to /opt/glite for GLITE_LOCATION. Curently it is set to /home/glbuild/GLITE_3_0_0/stage/.

See bug 19102 for more information.

If present, you may have to remove the glite-security-voms rpm from the WMS. For details see

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #15050 job-status returns Running and Waiting jobs even after proxy expired
 #15450 rare Unable to Register the Job during the job error
 #16502 automatic sequence code generation is incorrect
 #16506 max_open files too low for a lot of bulk submissions [None]
 #17540 Bug #13789 appearing again due to missing merge of 1.4 quick-fix into glite 3.0
 #17877 Handling of VOView's AccessControlBaseRule under some particular circumstances may cause a segmentation in the WM
 #18045 AuthorizationCheck expression does not contain [None]
 #18047 yaim still configures edg-utils-sytem but we have moved to fetch-crl
 #18131 Attribute VOMS_FQAN not added by glite-job-list-match command [None]
 #18195 VOMS fqan plugin in WMS not loading correctly [None]
 #18219 BDII error messages may refer to the wrong LDAP records
 #18343 Hit on another circumstance which may induce the WM to segfault while handling VOVIew's access crontrol rules
 #9777 unable to get logging-info -2 info for 1000 jobs

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
bdii 3.8.1-1_sl3 bdii-3.8.1-1_sl3.noarch.rpm bdii
glite-config 1.6.32-0 glite-config-1.6.32-0.noarch.rpm gLite configuration scripts
glite-lb-client 2.1.4-1 glite-lb-client-2.1.4-1.i386.rpm L&B client API and tools
glite-lb-common 3.0.5-1 glite-lb-common-3.0.5-1.i386.rpm L&B common subroutines library
glite-lb-proxy 1.2.7-0 glite-lb-proxy-1.2.7-0.i386.rpm L&B Proxy server
glite-lb-server-bones 2.1.4-1 glite-lb-server-bones-2.1.4-1.i386.rpm L&B server bones
glite-security-proxyrenewal 1.0.19-1 glite-security-proxyrenewal-1.0.19-1.i386.rpm Proxy renewal daemon
glite-security-utils-config 1.2.5-1 glite-security-utils-config-1.2.5-1.noarch.rpm gLite Security Utilities configuration files
glite-WMS 2.3.14-0 glite-WMS-2.3.14-0.noarch.rpm gLite Workload Management System node configuration files
glite-WMS 2.3.14-0 glite-WMS-2.3.14-0.noarch.rpm gLite Workload Management System node configuration files
glite-wms-broker 1.5.6-1 glite-wms-broker-1.5.6-1.i386.rpm "files for gLite wms broker"
glite-wms-classad_plugin 1.5.4-1 glite-wms-classad_plugin-1.5.4-1.i386.rpm "files for gLite wms classad_plugin"
glite-wms-common 1.5.10-1 glite-wms-common-1.5.10-1.i386.rpm "files for gLite wms common"
glite-wms-helper 1.5.24-1 glite-wms-helper-1.5.24-1.i386.rpm Change me !!!
glite-wms-ism 1.5.14-1 glite-wms-ism-1.5.14-1.i386.rpm "files for gLite wms ism"
glite-wms-jdl 1.5.12-1 glite-wms-jdl-1.5.12-1.i386.rpm Change me !!!
glite-wms-jobsubmission 1.5.13-1 glite-wms-jobsubmission-1.5.13-1.i386.rpm WMS job submission module
glite-WMSLB 2.4.3-0 glite-WMSLB-2.4.3-0.noarch.rpm Combined gLite WMS and LB node
glite-wms-manager 1.5.20-1 glite-wms-manager-1.5.20-1.i386.rpm WMS manager service
glite-wms-wmproxy 1.5.16-1 glite-wms-wmproxy-1.5.16-1.i386.rpm Files for gLite WMS WMProxy Service
glite-yaim 3.0.0-22 glite-yaim-3.0.0-22.noarch.rpm glite-yaim

The RPMs can be updated using apt via

Configuration changes


Service restart after update


How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)