Page updated: 21/03/2007
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gLite 3.0

glite-VOMS_oracle - Update to version 3.0.8-0

Date 05.02.07
Priority Normal



This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

New voms-admin version adding the attributes functionality.

The voms.massage script functionality has been incorporated into the voms configuration script and is no longer necessary to be run separately. There have been two new configuration parameters added:

  • has been added as an advanced parameter to specify the connection string for oracle. The default value is empty. If you configure oracle without the connection string you can leave the parameter empty or remove it from the configuration file.
  • voms.admin.webInterface.disable has been added to enable/disable the web user interface. The default value is false (also if the parameter is not specified in the configuration file).

New installation and configuration documentation available (see here).

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #13888 VOMS Admin: Internal database inconsistency detected: Got more roles than expected for user "<my DN>"
 #15566 VOMS Admin does not enforce the correct group semantics
 #16245 [VOMS Admin] Removing a VO should call check_parameters()
 #16472 VOMS Admin voms.request.webui.enabled config parameter does not work
 #17476 voms-admin fails in creating users correctly on oracle
 #18140 [ voms-admin ] create-group option doesn't work properly in the command line
 #23032 [ VOMS ] Improve VOMS installation guide

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
glite-security-voms-admin-client 1.2.15-1 glite-security-voms-admin-client-1.2.15-1.noarch.rpm gLite VOMS Administration clients
glite-security-voms-admin-interface 1.0.5-1 glite-security-voms-admin-interface-1.0.5-1.noarch.rpm gLite VOMS Administration service (interface)
glite-security-voms-admin-server 1.2.19-1 glite-security-voms-admin-server-1.2.19-1.noarch.rpm gLite VOMS Administration service
glite-VOMS_oracle 3.0.8-0 glite-VOMS_oracle-3.0.8-0.noarch.rpm gLite VOMS Server and Admin Tools node configuration files

The RPMs can be updated using apt via

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Service must be restarted.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)