Page updated: 21/03/2007
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gLite 3.0

glite-VOBOX - Update to version 3.0.8-0

Date 17.10.06
Priority High


This update fixes various bugs. For the full list of bugs, please see list below.

Fixed bugs

Number Description
 #18688 DPM MySQL upgrade scripts uses hardcoded database name cns_db
 #18689 DPM MySQL upgrade script fails to upgrade schema version for 'dpm_db'
 #18784 dpm-drain accepts --poolname and --server in the same invocation
 #18837 Internal error when NULL comment
 #18843 DPM: wrong restriction of privileged operations?
 #19353 LFC logfile cannot exceed 2 GB
 #19711 Replication in DPM is currently not usable for load distribution
 #19736 Problem draining DPM filesystem
 #20212 dpm-addpool & dpm-modifypool should use virtual IDs
 #20213 LFC python interface problem with lfc_getreplica

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
DPM-client 1.5.10-1sec DPM-client-1.5.10-1sec.i386.rpm APIs and CLIs for the DPM/DPNS
glite-UI 3.0.7-0 glite-UI-3.0.7-0.noarch.rpm gLite User Interface
glite-VOBOX 3.0.8-0 glite-VOBOX-3.0.8-0.noarch.rpm gLite VOBOX node
lcg-dm-common 1.5.10-1sec lcg-dm-common-1.5.10-1sec.i386.rpm LCG Data Management common libraries and man pages.
LFC-client 1.5.10-1sec LFC-client-1.5.10-1sec.i386.rpm Client side libraries for the LFC
LFC-interfaces 1.5.10-1 LFC-interfaces-1.5.10-1.i386.rpm LCG File Catalog Interfaces

The RPMs can be updated using apt via

Configuration changes


Service restart after update


How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)