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gLite 3.0

glite-UI - Update to version 3.0.21-0

Date 14.05.07
Priority High



Important note: The update of lcg-vomscerts has a new certificate for The current certificate will expire on May 29.


Important note: FTA and FTS nodes have to be reconfigured with THE NEW CONFIGURATION TARGET FTA2 and FTS2

This is an early release of the new modular release series and it enables the new FTS and FTA configuration. The new configuration targets FTA2 and FTS2 have to be used. That is, yaim should be run with options -n FTS2 and/or -n FTA2.

Other new features of this update are the following:
  • In site-info.def the VOAGENT_PYTHON agent type should be replaced with VOAGENT. All the defined typdefault variables should be changed correspondingly.
  • Two new YAIM variables are introduced. They are not compulsory to be set and have default values as in the following:
    # The DPM db name. Default is dpm_db
    # The DPNS db name. Default is cns_db
    This is to allow the usage of the same remote DB server serving several DPM node.
Other important issues when upgrading glite-yaim are the following:
  • Important: apt-autoupdate not supported, i.e. do the upgrade and the reconfiguration in one process. As always, it is recommended to do a DB backup before the upgrade.
  • Important: After the reconfiguration, DPM will use BDII as information provider instead of MDS. Because of this, the connect string and the port number on the site-BDII has to be changed as follows:
    • from "mds-vo-name=local,o=grid"
      to "mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid"
    • and from 2135 to 2170 respectively.
    Reconfigure and restart your site-BDII.

    Note: As a side effect of this reconfiguration the lcg-cr command will not work if your LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS variable is pointing to the DPM's infosys instead of a top-level BDII. This is not a bug, just a consequence worth to mention.
FTS Update 2.0

Important note: The current WLCG planning foresees running version FTS 2.0 only at CERN-PROD for a few weeks. Tier-1 sites should remain at version 1.5 until contacted by FTS support.

For further information, please contact

The update of the FTS service (2.0) contains among other upgrades the following main features:
  • glite-data-srm-util-cpp:
    - added patterns for authorization error messages in srm1.1
    - removed unneeded properties in
  • glite-data-transfer-url-copy:
    - modified error handling in completeRequest/abortRequest operations
    - added logs for getfilesize operations
  • glite-data-transfer-agents:
    - set file finish time
    - fixed file reason class
    - fixed transfer order when evaluation the smarter retry

The upgrage of the LFC/DPM service (1.6.4-3) contains among others the following important new features and bug fixes:
  • Added database migration scripts for DPM secondary groups support with the following new features:
    - allow in srmMv to move a file to another directory giving the directory name as target
    - if the free space in a pool or filesystem was already negative, it was still possible to reserve space
    - report fileLocality in srmLs output (WLCG decision)
    - return an error if attempt to extend lifetime of an already expired TURL
    - python interface to DPNS
  • Fix garbage collector thresholds checks (was not working if poolfree space was negative, i.e. pool space overcommitted)
  • The new information provider is BDII, so node firewall need to be changed, furthermore site-BDII needs reconfiguration. (Please, see the glite-yaim update above as well.)
R-GMA client

This upgrade introduces new exceptions RGMABusyException and RGMANoWorkingReplicasException for R-GMA. These exceptions can be thrown in a future server versions of R-GMA and this update will enable rollout of clients that can handle this exception in readiness for a server update.

No action is required by users and the R-GMA clients will be working as before.

Other updates

The package lcg-infosites obsoletes the previously distributed lcg-info-api-ldap.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
CGSI_gSOAP_2.7 1.1.17-2 CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-1.1.17-2.i386.rpm GSI plugin for gSOAP
DPM-client 1.6.4-3sec DPM-client-1.6.4-3sec.i386.rpm APIs and CLIs for the DPM/DPNS
DPM-interfaces 1.6.4-3 DPM-interfaces-1.6.4-3.i386.rpm Disk Pool Manager Interfaces
glite-data-agents-common 1.0.2-7 glite-data-agents-common-1.0.2-7.i386.rpm gLite Data Agents Common
glite-data-config-service 1.2.8-1 glite-data-config-service-1.2.8-1.i386.rpm GLite Data Config Service
glite-data-delegation-api-c 2.0.0-4 glite-data-delegation-api-c-2.0.0-4.i386.rpm gLite Data Delegation C/C++ API
glite-data-delegation-cli 2.0.0-2 glite-data-delegation-cli-2.0.0-2.i386.rpm Data Delegation CLI
glite-data-srm2-api-c 2.2.0-2 glite-data-srm2-api-c-2.2.0-2.i386.rpm gLite Data SRM V2 C/C++ API
glite-data-srm-api-c 1.1.0-7 glite-data-srm-api-c-1.1.0-7.i386.rpm gLite Data SRM C/C++ API
glite-data-srm-cli 1.2.8-3 glite-data-srm-cli-1.2.8-3.i386.rpm Data SRM CLI
glite-data-srm-util-cpp 1.0.1-4 glite-data-srm-util-cpp-1.0.1-4.i386.rpm gLite Data SRM Util CPP
glite-data-transfer-api-c 3.3.0-4 glite-data-transfer-api-c-3.3.0-4.i386.rpm GLite Data Transfer C/C++ API
glite-data-transfer-cli 3.4.0-4 glite-data-transfer-cli-3.4.0-4.i386.rpm Data Transfer CLI
glite-data-transfer-interface 3.3.0-1 glite-data-transfer-interface-3.3.0-1.noarch.rpm gLite Transfer Interfaces
glite-data-transfer-url-copy 2.0.0-10 glite-data-transfer-url-copy-2.0.0-10.i386.rpm gLite Data Transfer URL Copy
glite-rgma-api-c 5.0.10-1 glite-rgma-api-c-5.0.10-1.i386.rpm C API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-api-cpp 5.0.15-1 glite-rgma-api-cpp-5.0.15-1.i386.rpm C++ API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-api-java 5.0.5-1 glite-rgma-api-java-5.0.5-1.noarch.rpm Java API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-api-python 5.0.12-1 glite-rgma-api-python-5.0.12-1.noarch.rpm Python API for R-GMA
glite-rgma-stubs-servlet-java 5.0.9-1 glite-rgma-stubs-servlet-java-5.0.9-1.noarch.rpm Java client implementation stubs for R-GMA
glite-UI 3.0.21-0 glite-UI-3.0.21-0.noarch.rpm gLite User Interface
glite-ui-config 1.3.28-0 glite-ui-config-1.3.28-0.noarch.rpm gLite User Interface configuration files
glite-yaim 3.0.1-15 glite-yaim-3.0.1-15.noarch.rpm glite-yaim
lcg-dm-common 1.6.4-3sec lcg-dm-common-1.6.4-3sec.i386.rpm LCG Data Management common libraries and man pages.
lcg-infosites 2.6-5 lcg-infosites-2.6-5.noarch.rpm lcg-infosites
lcg-vomscerts 4.5.0-1 lcg-vomscerts-4.5.0-1.noarch.rpm lcg-vomscerts
LFC-client 1.6.4-3sec LFC-client-1.6.4-3sec.i386.rpm Client side libraries for the LFC
LFC-interfaces 1.6.4-3 LFC-interfaces-1.6.4-3.i386.rpm LCG File Catalog Interfaces

The RPMs can be updated using apt via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)