Page updated: 06/09/2004
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gLite 3.0

glite-SE_dcache_pool - Update to version 3.0.0-1

Date 26.03.07
Priority Normal


The Dcache server is updated to version 1.7.0-29. (25, 26, 27 and 28 internal releases used in development cycles and testing.) The server upgrade 1.7.0-24 => 1.7.0-29 contains the following fixes.
  • GridFTP behavior on unexpected clients disconnect has been fixed.
  • IO queue names mismatch in batch file and timeout manager has been fixed.
  • Added missing initiator information in the billing database on GridFTP reads.
  • Minor xrootd protocol fixes.
  • Added support for java 6 in startup scripts.
  • Fixed rpm uninstall in when /opt/d-cache directory removed.
  • Replica manager does not replicate files to the same host.
The Dcache client has been compiled and the packaging meta data has been improved to reflect this.

Please also have a look at the list of known issues.

Updated rpms

Name Version Full RPM name Description
dcache-client 1.7.0-28 dcache-client-1.7.0-28.i586.rpm dCache Client
dcache-server 1.7.0-29 dcache-server-1.7.0-29.noarch.rpm dCache Server
glite-SE_dcache_pool 3.0.0-1 glite-SE_dcache_pool-3.0.0-1.noarch.rpm glite SE dcache pool node

The RPMs can be updated using apt via

Service reconfiguration after update

Not needed.

Service restart after update

Not needed.

How to apply the fix

  1. Update the RPMs (see above)
  2. Update configuration (see above)
  3. Restart the service if necessary (see above)