1. Release Description

This release contains the gLite R-GMA Servicetool module v. 5.1.0. The following sections provide additional information about the release content, the module dependencies, the know bugs and issues and a list of bugs closed since the previous release. For information about installing and using the gLite R-GMA Servicetool, please refer to the gLite Installation and User Guides.

2. Changes in this release

2.1. Changes in functionality

The R-GMA servicetool supports now the publishing of additional parameters for each services. The newly added parameters are:

o        List of VOs that this service is considered part of.

o        List of service names that this service is associated with.

o        List of extra parameters for the service.

In addition it is no longer necessary to specify the common set of parameters

o        rgma.servicetool.status_interval

o        rgma.servicetool.publish_interval

o        rgma.servicetool.url_wsdl

o        rgma.servicetool.url_semantics

for each servicetool instance in each servicetool instance if you want to use the default values. See section 2.2 for details.

2.2. Changes in Configuration

The configuration of the module has changed. Please update your configuration if you upgrade from a previous version of the R-GMA servicetool.

2.2.1. New configuration parameters

The following configuration parameters have been added:

File: glite-rgma-servicetool.cfg.xml


Default value


Advanced Parameters

The following parameters have been added to the file to be used as default parameter if they are not defined in an individual servicetool instance.




How often to check and publish service status (running/not running). This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance. Example: 60

[Type: 'string'] [Unit: 'seconds']




How often to publish the service details like endpoint, WSDL, URL. As this information is not changing so much, the interval can be lower than 'rgma.servicetool.status_interval' to reduce the load for R-GMA and the amount of data that is archived. This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance. Example: 3600

[Type: 'integer'] [Unit: 'seconds']




not available

URL of a WSDL document for the service. Put 'not available' if no wsdl url is available. This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance.

[Type: 'string']




not available

URL of a document containing a detailed description of the service and how it should be used. Put 'not available' if not url is available. This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance. Example:

[Type: 'string']

The following parameters are new configuration parameters. They have been also added to the file to be used as default parameter if they are not defined in an individual servicetool instance.





List of VOs that this service is considered part of. This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. Optional parameter - you can specify one or several or it can be left empty or be removed. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance. Example: EGEE

[Type: 'string']





List of service names that this service is associated with. This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance. Optional parameter - you can specify one or several or it can be left empty or be removed. Example: YOURhostname_YOURvoname_YOURservicetype

[Type: 'string']">





List of extra parameters for the service to be published. The structure for each entry is key=value. This parameter can be also specified separately per servicetool instance in your service configuration file. The value defined here is the fallback value if no value is defined in the individual servicetool instance. Optional parameter - you can specify one or several or it can be left empty or be removed.

Example: yourkey=yourvalue

[Type: 'string']


The following table contains the values that are newly supported by the R-GMA servicetool for the servicetool instances in the service specific configuration files. These values can be added to each servicetool instance, they are however optional.


File: glite-rgma-servicetool-serviceName.cfg.xml


Default value


Advanced Parameters







List of VOs that this service is considered part of. Optional parameter - you can specify one or several or it can be left empty or be removed.

Example: EGEE

[Type: 'string']





List of service names that this service is associated with. Optional parameter - you can specify one or several or it can be left empty or be removed. Example: YOURhostname_YOURvoname_YOURservicetype

[Type: 'string']">





List of extra parameters for the service to be published. The structure for each entry is key=value. Optional parameter - you can specify one or several or it can be left empty or be removed.

Example: yourkey=yourvalue

[Type: 'string']

2.2.2. Removed configuration parameters

No parameter has been removed in this release.

2.2.3. Changed configuration parameters

No parameter has changed the name or the value in this release.

2.3. Bug FIXES

This release introduces a set of bug fixes (for the full list of fixed bug see sections 5.2 and 5.3):

·         org.glite.rgma.stubs-servlet-java

3. Release contents

3.1. Glite sub-deployment modules

The gLite R-GMA Servicetool module installs/uses the following set of gLite deployment modules:

Please see the corresponding release notes of these modules for details.

3.2. Glite RPMS

The gLite R-GMA Servicetool module is composed of the following gLite components (list includes the gLite components of the other used gLite deployment modules in section 3.1):

Component name





gLite configuration scripts




Java API for R-GMA




R-GMA basic configuration and documentation




gLite rgma common configuration items installation




R-GMA service tool




gLite R-GMA servicetool installation




Java client implementation stubs for R-GMA




The java certificate path checkin for proxy certs in SSL with plugins for tomcat and axis.




The java utilities library for security




gLite Security Utilities configuration files



4. Dependencies

The gLite R-GMA Servicetool module has the following dependencies:

Component name


RPM file name




For the list of dependencies of the gLite sub-deployment modules, listed in section 3.1, please see the release notes of the corresponding modules for their list of dependencies.

5. Known bugs and issues

This release has no known bugs and issues. Bug numbers refer to the gLite Bug Tracking system database hosted on the CERN Savannah system at

5.1. Known open bugs


Bug number



RGMA: error message for a non existent table is misleading  


R-GMA doesn't check types 


RGMA scripts from EDG still present  


RGMA: No provision for not being port 8080 


case sensitive varchar's when creating an archiver 


HTTP proxy support is inconsistent 


Case sensitivity for table names is problematic 


csv and tsv output has vanished 


Bad case sensitivity for insert 


insert does not check the column name 


Bad/missing error messages with select 


Error message could be more helpful 


Range checking on the date stamp leaves something to be desired 


Case sensitivity depends on query type 


Syntax checking could be better 


More parsing errors 


Case sensitivity error with a secondary producer 


Could log commands to a file 


Install guide mentions RGMA-Server in LTS Section 


Printable version of the APIs would be nice 


Additions to the manuals 


Formatting strings for output 


Bad messages if a port isn't open 


How do you know the primary key? 


Bad error message with ssl error 


All client interactions should go via the local servlet box 


rgma client configuration succeds, but a client test fails  


Bad error message for expired proxy 


Inserting '\'s 


Services such as rgma-servicetool are not services. 


API errors with expired proxy 


Remove redundant tables 


Inconsistent use of stdout and stderr in java API 


the rgma client and it does not use the X509_CERT_DIR to look for the certificates of the CAs 


Overriding the rgma.conf 


Add a comment "command"? 


rgma.servicetool parameters 


rgmaservicetool configuration script changeme error 


rgma servicetool configuration script does not exit on error 


Problems with registry configuration 


Need explanation of how to get info out of result sets 


Detection of an error with TRUSTFILE 


Need to find out server limits on parameters 


Publication rate and LRP for site and service publishers should be configurable 


Bad error message in web browser 


Archivers are inconsistent 


Test the service discovery API 


Reassigned item: RGMA crashes on IA64 


R-GMA dies trying to insert a record 


Extra documentation in rgma.registry.hostname for using 2 registries 


Predefined queries on the Browser are linked to the old schema tables 


browser failed to update column definitions 

 #8993 sets the replicate attribute to true in rgma-server.conf even though only one registry is being use 


API is missing a "show tables" equivalent 


tomcat log4j warnings 


glite-rgma-server-installer does not create /var/log/glite/rgma-server/rgma-server.log 


NullPointerException in R-GMA StreamProducerServlet 


R-GMA registry is not protected against careless use 


Registry API causes deadlock 


R-GMA BrowserServlet threw exception clicking on endpoint 


StreamProducer doesn\'t crop VARCHARs to size defined in Schema 


Site publisher needs extra config items 


Cpp API makes a new connection for each server call resulting in slow performance 


ArchiverThread doesn't check column types when inserting. 


Insecure configuration of R-GMA fails 


Reassigned item: Site Archiver 


Would like str() to provide the state of an object using the Python API 


Gin is aborting because of a fatal error 


All Exceptions in Python API are mapped to RGMAException 


Servicetool does not kill hanging status scripts 


User guides should contain more advice 


R-GMA site publisher documentation does not contain new values 


Strings that look like numbers get treated as numbers 


In memory streaming code causes out of bounds exception 


SP deadlock with multiple tables 


R-GMA archiver installation prints error 


R-GMA glue archiver prints error if id file is not there 

 #10797 –configure fails due to undefined $GLITE_LOCATION 

5.2. Bugs fixed in this or previous releases, but not yet tested


Bug number



Too many open files using MySQL 

 #5411 has various errors 


need for DB indices for DBProducer in underlying DBMS 


add a predefined query to the browser to query the new log4 table 


Wrong cron.hourly entry  


Bad error message from show 


Manual should refer to RC1 code 


Manuals should mention case-sensitivity issues 


C++ SecondaryProducer example doesn't behave as expected 


Finding the configured registry and schema 


R-GMA Servicetool dumps stack traces to stderr 


C API check fails with centos? 


Bad behaviour with misconfigured registry 


servlet check doesn't spot time sync problem 


Comments on the quickstart web page 


declareTable fails with invalid predicate, but table is still declared 


Bad service names? 


Spell checkers are good! 


Test 12 should not check GlueHost 


rgma-gin problem: "Gin is aborting because of a fatal error" 


Components deadlocks when Registry down and do not resume 


R-GMA does not remove illegal XML characters 


R1/LCG Java API doesn't work with Java 1.5 


Rgma servers should avoid selecting a Registry if one is located locally. 


'Out of Memory' Registries cause rgma system to run very slowly. 


Issuing \'mysql -u root -p < .....\' failed 


createOnDemandProducer calls the CanonicalProducer API incorrectly 


R-GMA server: impossible to change the mysql password via the python scripts 


Pong Servlet initialisation error running in insecure mode 


ServletConnection throws exception in insecure mode 


Flexible archiver init.d script returns ok when it has failed with a RGMAException 


Registry hangs due to slow response from remote producers 


in glite 1.1 having the site configured not to use RGMA, the deployment script fails with RGMA not working 


APEL 3.4.45 Doesn't work with Java 1.5 


Replica Manager thread dies and does not recover 


C API fails with HTTP protocol error in some circumstances. 


R-GMA components don't follow agreed naming convention for service type 


R-GMA gin sends logs partly to console and not to log file 


The rgma command line tool sets its PYTHONPATH incorrectly 


The rgma python api RPM does not clean up after itself 


LatestProducer created by python API has zero min retention period 


Gin publishes tuples regardless of whether they have changed or not 


Python RGMA exception incorrectly mapped when using reconnect() method 


fatal error reported by java api when in insecure mode 


Archiver does not recreate its Consumers when they die 


history retention period for Secondary Producer does not work as expected 


R-GMA API has functions which need to be modified or removed 


Python API socket leak 


Flexy uses old API and is not flexible 


Archiver producer buffer fills up 


Missing TRUSTFILE initialisation for the glue-archiver 

5.3. Bugs closed since last release

This release fixes the following bugs and issues. Bug numbers refer to the gLite Bug Tracking system database hosted on the CERN Savannah system at  


Bug number



" if –n $basedir; then"  


ConnectionTimeOutExceptions are passed back to the producer client 


FTS: rgma service discovery configuration fails 


Bad location of the wsdl file as required by glite-rgma-servicetool-serviceName.cfg.xml ? 


getting hostname on machines with two network cards 


service discovery consistent rgma strategy needed