Update 35 to 3.2 (sl5_x86_64)

Normal priority update
Released on 15/11/2011


Version 1.8.2-3 - Priority Normal - Details - Patch #5006

What's new

  • Retrial for root requests after db reconnection (bug #75064)
  • Conditional condrestart action in the init.d startup scripts (bug #76695)
  • Added sonames in libraries (bug #57528)
  • Added the possibility to send logs to syslog and have log levels (bug #83411)
  • Fixed startup script when logfile does not contain a slash (bug #77388)
  • Human readable dpns-ls -h (bug #20298)
  • Update fs statistics with dpm-modifyfs --st RDONLY even if disabled (bug #78968)
  • Fixed segfault in srmv1 and srmv2.2 during security scan (bug #77984)
  • Definitions of number of threads for DPM and SRM servers at startup time (bug #77655)
  • Parallel file transfers in dpm-drain (bug #61037)
  • Increased performance of dpm-drain (bug #60109)
  • Return SRM_TOO_MANY_RESULTS on srm-ls for incomplete listings (bug #46961)
  • Added missing rfstat man page (bug #83247)
  • Added filesystem selection based on assign weights (bug #82361)
  • Fixed error message in dpm-modifypool with too many groups specified (bug #82339)


Version 1.8.2-3 - Priority Normal - Details - Patch #5005

What's new

  • Retrial for root requests after db reconnection (bug #75064)
  • Conditional condrestart action in the init.d startup scripts (bug #76695)
  • Added sonames in libraries (bug #57528)
  • Added the possibility to send logs to syslog and have log levels (bug #83411)
  • Fixed startup script when logfile does not contain a slash (bug #77388)
  • Human readable dpns-ls -h (bug #20298)
  • Update fs statistics with dpm-modifyfs --st RDONLY even if disabled (bug #78968)
  • Fixed segfault in srmv1 and srmv2.2 during security scan (bug #77984)
  • Definitions of number of threads for DPM and SRM servers at startup time (bug #77655)
  • Parallel file transfers in dpm-drain (bug #61037)
  • Increased performance of dpm-drain (bug #60109)
  • Return SRM_TOO_MANY_RESULTS on srm-ls for incomplete listings (bug #46961)
  • Added missing rfstat man page (bug #83247)
  • Added filesystem selection based on assign weights (bug #82361)
  • Fixed error message in dpm-modifypool with too many groups specified (bug #82339)


Version 3.2.11-1 - Priority Normal - Details - Patch #4617

What's new

This version of the glite-UI includes changes in the following clients with respect to the previously released version: GFAL/lcg_utils, DPM and LFC, FTS and L&B.


Version 3.2.12-0 - Priority Normal - Details - Patch #4616

What's new

This version of the glite-VOBOX includes changes in the following clients with respect to the previously released version: GFAL/lcg_utils, DPM and LFC, FTS, L&B, BDII and lcg-info.


Version 3.2.12-1 - Priority Normal - Details - Patch #4618

What's new

This version of the glite-WN includes changes in the following clients with respect to the previously released version: GFAL/lcg_utils, DPM and LFC, FTS and L&B.