Update 31 to 3.2 (sl5_x86_64)
Normal priority update
Released on 06/07/2011
What's new
This update is needed to bring in new versions of the LCMAPS-plugins-pep-c and PEP-API.
- The PEP-API needs updating to fix a randomly occuring time-out when gLExec tries to authorize and the Argus-PEPd-server.
- The LCMAPS-plugin-c-pep needs updating in order to use the new PEP-API library. At the same time, the new plugin can now handle a situation when the X509_USER_PROXY (proxy of pilot job user) is located on an NFS partition with root-squash enabled.
What's new
This update fixes an issue with the YAIM configuration tool for glite-GLEXEC_wn.
See bug https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?83779
The issue mostly affects sites with a large user database and a large number of worker nodes, as the configuration script wrongfully does a full listing of all user accounts in search of the glexec account.