Update 28 to 3.2 (sl5_x86_64)
Normal priority update
Released on 17/05/2011
What's new
This new version of the glite-VOBOX contains the following changes:
- New version of WMS and LB clients.
- The dependency glite-wms-brokerinfo-access has been added to the glite-VOBOX metapackage.
- New version of CREAM clients.
- Provision of glite-ce-job-output command
- Other bug fixes
- Known issues: http://grid.pd.infn.it/cream/field.php?n=Main.KnownIssues
- New version of Data Management clients.
- Added python 2.5 and python 2.6 bindings for Data Management clients
- New version of yaim clients including the SAGA adapters configuration.
- New version of yaim core.
- New version of glite-version (change doesn't actually affect glite-VOBOX).
- New version of VOMS-Admin
- New versions of lcg-infosites and lcg-ManageVOTag.
The following dependencies have been removed because they are no longer needed by the glite-VOBOX: glite-info-generic and glite-info-templates.
The following changes not directly affecting the gLite clients are also included in this release:
- New version of c-ares.
- VOMS fixes for memory leak problems.
- Minor security and gridsite fixes.