Update 24 to 3.2 (sl5_x86_64)
Normal priority update
Released on 01/03/2011
What's new
This is the first release of glite-CLUSTER. It is a new node type that can publish information about clusters and subclusters in a site, which can be used by any number of compute elements.
To make the glite-CLUSTER work with the CREAM CE please follow the instructions published as part of the Details for this update.
What's new
This new version of the glite-WN contains the following changes:
- FTS clients added as new dependencies.
- New version of WMS and LB clients.
- New version of Data Management clients.
- Added python 2.5 and python 2.6 bindings for Data Management clients.
- New version of yaim clients including the SAGA adapters configuration.
- New version of yaim core.
- New version of glite-version (change doesn't actually affect glite-WN).
- New version of VOMS-Admin.
- New versions of lcg-infosites and lcg-ManageVOTag.