glite-SE_dpm_mysql - Updated to version 1.8.2-3

Normal priority update
Released on Update 35 (15/11/2011)

Description (See the patch #5005)

What's new

  • Retrial for root requests after db reconnection (bug #75064)
  • Conditional condrestart action in the init.d startup scripts (bug #76695)
  • Added sonames in libraries (bug #57528)
  • Added the possibility to send logs to syslog and have log levels (bug #83411)
  • Fixed startup script when logfile does not contain a slash (bug #77388)
  • Human readable dpns-ls -h (bug #20298)
  • Update fs statistics with dpm-modifyfs --st RDONLY even if disabled (bug #78968)
  • Fixed segfault in srmv1 and srmv2.2 during security scan (bug #77984)
  • Definitions of number of threads for DPM and SRM servers at startup time (bug #77655)
  • Parallel file transfers in dpm-drain (bug #61037)
  • Increased performance of dpm-drain (bug #60109)
  • Return SRM_TOO_MANY_RESULTS on srm-ls for incomplete listings (bug #46961)
  • Added missing rfstat man page (bug #83247)
  • Added filesystem selection based on assign weights (bug #82361)
  • Fixed error message in dpm-modifypool with too many groups specified (bug #82339)

Dependent Patches

There are no dependent patches.

Fixed Bugs

#57528 [LFC/DPM] No sonames in libraries
#83247 Missing manpage rfstat
#78968 DPM 1.8: dpm-modifyfs --st RDONLY doesn't update FS statistics if the FS was previously disabled
#61037 [DPM] please add options to dpm-drain to transfer multiple files at the same time
#76695 The condrestart action in the init.d startup scripts is not conditional
#77984 srmv1 and srmv2.2 segfaults while security scan
#77655 Allow to define the number of threads for DPM and SRM servers at startup time
#82339 No error message if too many groups specified in dpm-modifypool
#60109 [DPM]: Increase performance of dpm-drain
#75064 retrial for root requests after db reconnection
#83411 Add the possibility to send logs to syslog and have log levels
#20298 Feature request for dpns-ls -h (human readable)
#82361 DPM filesystem selection based on assign weights
#77388 When ALLOW_COREDUMP is yes, all daemon fail to start
#46961 DPM: srm2.2 srmLs (SRM_TOO_MANY_RESULTS and application of count limit)

Updated Rpms (See the full list)

NameVersionFull Rpm NameDescription
CGSI_gSOAP_2.7 1.3.4-2 CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-1.3.4-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm gSOAP 2.7 plugin and gss libraries
CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-devel 1.3.4-2 CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-devel-1.3.4-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm
CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-voms 1.3.4-2 CGSI_gSOAP_2.7-voms-1.3.4-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm
DPM-copy-server-mysql 1.8.2-3sec DPM-copy-server-mysql-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component from LCG-DM
DPM-name-server-mysql 1.8.2-3sec DPM-name-server-mysql-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component from LCG-DM
DPM-rfio-server 1.8.2-3sec DPM-rfio-server-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component from LCG-DM
DPM-server-mysql 1.8.2-3sec DPM-server-mysql-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component from LCG-DM
DPM-srm-server-mysql 1.8.2-3sec DPM-srm-server-mysql-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component from LCG-DM
bdii 5.0.10-1 bdii-5.0.10-1.noarch.rpm Berkeley Database Information Index
dpm 1.8.2-3sec dpm-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM
dpm-devel 1.8.2-3sec dpm-devel-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM
dpm-libs 1.8.2-3sec dpm-libs-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM
glite-SE_dpm_mysql 1.8.2-3 glite-SE_dpm_mysql-1.8.2-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm Metapackage for glite-SE_dpm_mysql
glite-authz-pep-api-c 2.0.1-1 glite-authz-pep-api-c-2.0.1-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm Thread safe Argus PEP client API for C
glite-info-provider-release 1.0.2-1 glite-info-provider-release-1.0.2-1.noarch.rpm glite-info-provider-release
glite-info-provider-service 1.4.4-1 glite-info-provider-service-1.4.4-1.noarch.rpm glite-info-provider-service
glite-security-voms-api 1.9.19-3 glite-security-voms-api-1.9.19-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm
glite-security-voms-api-cpp 1.9.19-3 glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.9.19-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm
glite-yaim-core 4.0.14-1 glite-yaim-core-4.0.14-1.noarch.rpm YAIM core package
glite-yaim-dpm 4.1.1-1 glite-yaim-dpm-4.1.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm org.glite.yaim.dpm
glue-schema 2.0.6-1 glue-schema-2.0.6-1.noarch.rpm GLUE Schema
gridsite-apache 1.7.9-3 gridsite-apache-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm Gridsite Apache RPM
gridsite-shared 1.7.9-3 gridsite-shared-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm Gridsite shared rpm
lcgdm-devel 1.8.2-3sec lcgdm-devel-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM
lcgdm-libs 1.8.2-3sec lcgdm-libs-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM
perl-dpm 1.8.2-3sec perl-dpm-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM
python-dpm 1.8.2-3sec python-dpm-1.8.2-3sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm Virtual component for LCG-DM

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Service must be restarted.