glite-LFC_oracle - Updated to version 1.8.0-1
Normal priority update
Released on Update 22 (09/02/2011)
Description (See the patch #4471)
What's new
With this release of LFC 1.8.0-1 a number of bug fixes, a voms related memory leak fix and the user banning feature are introduced.
- "Please make symlinks within python-lfc relative" (bug #73077)
- servers crash when client passes too many FQANs in the proxy (bug #72382)
- Extra information (host, status) to be returned by lfc_getreplicas (bug #72361)
- banning of users and groups (bug #43710)
- use finger to determine home directory only when starting service (bug #69716)
- remove bashisms in LFC/DPM init scripts (bug #68430)
- Memory leak in voms-api-cpp (bug #71102)
Known issues
There is a missing dependency on perl-DBD-Oracle - the necessary rpm can be found at
As this URL is accessible only within CERN, please contact LFC support (via GGUS) if you cannot access it and would like the rpm.
Dependent Patches
Number | Description |
There are no dependent patches. |
Fixed Bugs
Number | Description |
#68430 | bashisms in LFC/DPM init scripts |
#73077 | Please make symlinks within python-dpm relavtive. |
#43710 | [DPM/LFC] user ban feature |
#66425 | [yaim-lfc] Typo in config_lfc_oracle |
#74610 | Memory leak in lfc_getreplicasl |
#72361 | Extra information to be returned by lfc_getreplicas |
#72382 | LFC server crashes when client passes too many FQANs in the proxy |
#69716 | DPM init scripts using finger to determine home directory |
#71102 | Memory leak in voms-api-cpp |
Updated Rpms (See the full list)
Name | Version | Full Rpm Name | Description |
LFC-server-oracle | 1.8.0-1sec | LFC-server-oracle-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM-oracle |
bdii | 5.0.9-1 | bdii-5.0.9-1.noarch.rpm | Berkeley Database Information Index |
glite-LFC_oracle | 1.8.0-1 | glite-LFC_oracle-1.8.0-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Metapackage for glite-LFC_oracle |
glite-info-templates | 1.0.0-12 | glite-info-templates-1.0.0-12.noarch.rpm | glite-info-templates |
glite-security-voms-api | 1.9.19-2 | glite-security-voms-api-1.9.19-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | |
glite-security-voms-api-cpp | 1.9.19-2 | glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.9.19-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | |
glite-version | 3.2.3-1 | glite-version-3.2.3-1.noarch.rpm | glite-version |
glite-yaim-core | 4.0.13-2 | glite-yaim-core-4.0.13-2.noarch.rpm | YAIM core package |
glite-yaim-lfc | 4.1.1-1 | glite-yaim-lfc-4.1.1-1.noarch.rpm | org.glite.yaim.lfc |
lcgdm-devel | 1.8.0-1sec | lcgdm-devel-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
lcgdm-libs | 1.8.0-1sec | lcgdm-libs-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
lfc | 1.8.0-1sec | lfc-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
lfc-devel | 1.8.0-1sec | lfc-devel-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
lfc-libs | 1.8.0-1sec | lfc-libs-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
perl-lfc | 1.8.0-1sec | perl-lfc-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
python-lfc | 1.8.0-1sec | python-lfc-1.8.0-1sec.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Virtual component for LCG-DM |
Service reconfiguration after update
Not needed.
Service restart after update
Service must be restarted.