Description (See the patch #4566)
What's new
This release of L&B 2.1.17 introduces a few minor hotfixes, namely to BDII reporting. There are no functionality changes.
Installation and Configuration
glite-LB metapackage is installed by yum. yaim configuration requires, at the very least, setting MYSQL_PASSWORD, SITE_NAME and SITE_EMAIL in the site-info.def file.
Newer versions of certain packages are required, compared to the previous release of L&B 2.1.16. There are no new dependencies, though.
Known issues
Due to faulty DNS over IPv6 resolution in the c-ares library, L&B does not work in most scenarios involving IPv6-only machines. Upgrade c-ares to 1.7.3 and relaunch yaim to get full IPv6 functionality.
Dependent Patches
Number | Description |
There are no dependent patches. |
Fixed Bugs
Number | Description |
#76173 | GlueServiceStatus Critical |
#76174 | glue 1.3 fields missing |
#76175 | Freeze during parallel invoke of edg_wll_InitContext() |
Updated Rpms (See the full list)
Name | Version | Full Rpm Name | Description |
---|---|---|---| | 1.0.5-3 | | JAVA implemantation of the L&B service client. Supports producing (logging) events into L&B, event and job status queries, and receiving notifications. |
gridsite-shared | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-shared-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
gridsite-service-clients | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-service-clients-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
gridsite-devel | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-devel-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
gridsite-commands | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-commands-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
glue-schema | 2.0.6-1 | glue-schema-2.0.6-1.noarch.rpm | GLUE Schema |
glite-security-voms-api-cpp | 1.9.19-2 | glite-security-voms-api-cpp-1.9.19-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | |
glite-lbjp-common-server-bones | 2.0.2-1 | glite-lbjp-common-server-bones-2.0.2-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Multi-process network server. A server listening on multiple ports, passing inbound requests to slaves and maintaining connections to specific slaves if possible. The library provides callback handles on connection init, incoming request, etc. |
glite-lbjp-common-maildir | 2.0.2-1 | glite-lbjp-common-maildir-2.0.2-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Single-purpose implementation of maildir-like queue |
glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface | 2.0.3-1 | glite-lbjp-common-jp-interface-2.0.3-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Definiton of interfaces required to build plugins for JP services and implementation of minimal library of support functions. |
glite-lb-ws-test | 1.1.5-2 | glite-lb-ws-test-1.1.5-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Tests and usage examples of L&B WS interface. |
glite-lb-ws-interface | 3.1.2-4 | glite-lb-ws-interface-3.1.2-4.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-ws-interface contains the LB web service interface specification (LB.wsdl and LBTypes.wsdl). |
glite-lb-state-machine | 1.1.4-2 | glite-lb-state-machine-1.1.4-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-state-machine is the gLite LB state machine (server core, processing LB events to produce job state presented to the user). This package contains the state machine static (linked by server) and dynamic library (LB plugin used by Job Provenance). |
glite-lb-server | 2.1.13-2 | glite-lb-server-2.1.13-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-server is the gLite LB server. This package contains the LB server daemon (glite-lb-bkserverd) and a tool for rebuilding server indices (glite-lb-bkindex). |
org.glite.lbjp-common.log | 1.0.4-1 | org.glite.lbjp-common.log-1.0.4-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Definitions of glite common logging formats for LB and JP. |
gridsite-services | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-services-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
gridsite-gsexec | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-gsexec-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
gridsite-debuginfo | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-debuginfo-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
gridsite-apache | 1.7.9-3 | gridsite-apache-1.7.9-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Gridsite shared rpm |
glite-lbjp-common-trio | 2.0.3-1 | glite-lbjp-common-trio-2.0.3-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Standalone extended implementation of printf and scanf. Provides specialized formating options used by LB and JP. |
glite-lbjp-common-gss | 2.1.5-1 | glite-lbjp-common-gss-2.1.5-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-security-gss wraps GSS functions (and several non-GSS Globus calls) to a secure network communication library with strict timing control (via timeout arguments) of all remote operations. |
glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin | 2.1.3-1 | glite-lbjp-common-gsoap-plugin-2.1.3-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-security-gsoap-plugin is plugin for gSoap providing secured communication via GSS, as well as strict timing control of all operations via glite-security-gss. |
glite-lbjp-common-db | 2.0.4-3 | glite-lbjp-common-db-2.0.4-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Database engine abstraction wrapper used in L&B and JP services. |
glite-lb-yaim | 4.2.14-1 | glite-lb-yaim-4.2.14-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | This package contains the yaim functions to configuration of the LB node. |
glite-lb-utils | 2.0.8-1 | glite-lb-utils-2.0.8-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-utils are gLite LB utilities used for dumping (glite-lb-dump) and purging (glite-lb-purge) data from LB server, for loading (glite-lb-load) data to server, for real time monitoring (glite-lb-mon) and post-mortem statistics (glite-lb-statistics). |
glite-lb-types | 1.1.4-1 | glite-lb-types-1.1.4-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Auxiliary build-time component defining LB event types and job status fields. |
glite-lb-logger | 2.1.11-2 | glite-lb-logger-2.1.11-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-logger is the gLite LB local-logger and inter-logger. This package contains the local-logger (glite-lb-logd), inter-logger (glite-lb-interlogd) and notification inter-logger (glite-lb-notif-interlogd) daemons. |
glite-LB | 3.2.12-6 | glite-LB-3.2.12-6.sl5.x86_64.rpm | Metapackage to install the L&B service on an LB node |
glite-info-templates | 1.0.0-12 | glite-info-templates-1.0.0-12.noarch.rpm | glite-info-templates |
glite-lb-client | 4.1.6-2 | glite-lb-client-4.1.6-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-client is the library implementing client side of gLite LB API. This package contains the library, client tools and many examples. |
glite-lb-common | 7.1.7-2 | glite-lb-common-7.1.7-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-common is a package containing gLite LB common files shared by client and daemons. This package contains the LB common library and all necessary header files. |
glite-lb-doc | 1.1.10-3 | glite-lb-doc-1.1.10-3.sl5.x86_64.rpm | glite-lb-doc is a package containing the complete LB documentation. This package contains the LB User's Guide (LBUG.pdf), LB Administrator's Guide (LBAG.pdf), LB Developer's Guide (LBDG.pdf) and LB Test Plan (LBTP.pdf). |
glite-lb-harvester | 1.0.10-2 | glite-lb-harvester-1.0.10-2.sl5.x86_64.rpm | L&B Harvester gathers job info from L&B servers using efficient L&B notifications. It manages notifications and keeps track of them for reuse on next launch. It takes care of refreshing notifications and querying L&B back once a notific... |
Service reconfiguration after update
Service must be reconfigured.
Service restart after update
Not needed.