glite-SE_dcache_pool - Updated to version 3.1.24-0
Normal priority update
Released on Update 68 (12/01/2011)
Description (See the patch #4111)
What's new:
Large performance increase, Databases holding pools, so pools can be run on file systems with slow lookup speed. At least 5X performance upgrade. Many bug fixes.
Installation and configuration:
#first stop your dcache.
/opt/d-cache/bin/dcache stop
umount -f /pnfs/
/etc/init.d/dcacheChimeraNfs stop
#then check no java is running
ps aux | grep java
The files format of /opt/d-cache/etc/node_config has changed before upgrading please do the following command
mv /opt/d-cache/etc/node_config /opt/d-cache/etc/node_config.bak
if this is not done you will get multiple copys of dcache domains running
run this script to complete the process
/opt/d-cache/bin/ -s /root/site-info.def -c config_sedcache
Dependent Patches
Number | Description |
There are no dependent patches. |
Fixed Bugs
Number | Description |
There are no bugs fixed in this version. |
Updated Rpms (See the full list)
Name | Version | Full Rpm Name | Description |
dcache-server | 1.9.5-19 | dcache-server-1.9.5-19.noarch.rpm | dCache Server |
dcacheVoms2Gplasma | 0.0.8-0 | dcacheVoms2Gplasma-0.0.8-0.noarch.rpm | org.dcache.voms2gplasma |
fetch-crl | 2.7.0-2 | fetch-crl-2.7.0-2.noarch.rpm | fetch-crl |
glite-SE_dcache_pool | 3.1.24-0 | glite-SE_dcache_pool-3.1.24-0.slc4.x86_64.rpm | org.dcache.node.glite-SE_dcache_pool_3_2_0 |
glite-yaim-core | 4.0.11-2 | glite-yaim-core-4.0.11-2.noarch.rpm | YAIM core package |
glite-yaim-dcache | 4.0.2-8 | glite-yaim-dcache-4.0.2-8.noarch.rpm | org.glite.yaim.dcache |
Service reconfiguration after update
Service must be reconfigured.
Service restart after update
Service must be restarted.