glite-transfer-stats-channel — Lists the summary and activity of channel usage.
glite-transfer-stats-channel [ -h ] [ -q ] [ -s SERVICE ] [ -V ] [ -v ] [ -b START ] [ -e END ] [ -o [VO...] ] CHANNEL
glite-transfer-stats-channel is a command-line tool for listing channel usage summary and activity of the service on a given interval of time.
The combination of START and END arguments provided affects the results in the following way: if only START is given, the first set of statistics generated AFTER this time is returned; if only END is given, the first set of statistics generated BEFORE this time is returned; if both START and END times are given, all statistics generated between these two times are returned; finally, if neither START nor END are given, the last set of statistics generated by the service is returned.
Print a short help message on parameters and usage, and exit.
Quiet operation.
Specifies the service endpoint to use. If SERVICE starts with http://, https:// or httpg://, then it is taken as a direct service endpoint URL. Otherwise SERVICE is taken as a service instance name and Service Discovery is invoked to look up the endpoint.
If this option is not specified, Service Discovery will be invoked and the first available transfer service will be used. If the Service Discovery fails, the program will exit with an error.
If this option is not specified, only services with a known good status will be returned by Service Discovery. However if you explicitely specify a service name or an endpoint, the tool will try to use it regardless of its registered status.
Increases the verbosity level.
Print the version number and exit.
Start time in YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS format.
End time in YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS format.
A comma separated list of VOs the user is interested in. If not specified, all VOs are listed.
Channel name the user is interested in.
Specifies the type of the service to use during service discovery. The default value is org.glite.FileTransferStats.