GLite::Data::FileCatalog module provides a Perl client library for the FileTransfer interface.
The methods die if there was a SOAP fault. The fault string and details are added to the die message.
Note: you have to include the VO name in the URL!
my $srv = GLite::Data::FileTransfer->new('');
my $myTransferParams = { keys => [ 'string1', 'string2', ... ], values => [ 'string1', 'string2', ... ] };
my $myPlacementJob = { logicalFiles => [ 'string1', 'string2', ... ], sourceSE => 'string', destSE => 'string', jobParams => $myTransferParams, credential => 'string' };
my $myTransferException = { message => 'string' };
my $myInvalidArgumentException = new TransferException ( );
my $myAuthorizationException = new TransferException ( );
my $myServiceBusyException = new TransferException ( );
my $myInternalException = new TransferException ( );
my $myTransferJobElement = { source => 'string', dest => 'string' };
my $myTransferJob = { transferJobElements => [ $myTransferJobElement1, $myTransferJobElement2, ... ], jobParams => $myTransferParams, credential => 'string' };
my $myJobStatus = { jobID => 'string', jobStatus => 'string', channelName => 'string', clientDN => 'string', reason => 'string', voName => 'string', submitTime => $mylong, numFiles => 9999, priority => 9999 };
my $myFileTransferStatus = { logicalName => 'string', sourceSURL => 'string', destSURL => 'string', transferFileState => 'string', numFailures => 9999, reason => 'string', reason_class => 'string', duration => $mylong };
my $myNotExistsException = new TransferException ( );
my $myTransferJobSummary = { jobStatus => $myJobStatus, numDone => 9999, numActive => 9999, numPending => 9999, numCanceled => 9999, numCanceling => 9999, numFailed => 9999, numFinished => 9999, numSubmitted => 9999, numHold => 9999, numWaiting => 9999, numCatalogFailed => 9999, numRestarted => 9999 };
my $myCannotCancelException = new TransferException ( );
my $myExistsException = new TransferException ( );
my $myStringPair = { string1 => 'string', string2 => 'string' };
my $myRoles = { clientDN => 'string', serviceAdmin => 'string', submitter => 'string', VOManager => [ $myStringPair1, $myStringPair2, ... ], channelManager => [ $myStringPair1, $myStringPair2, ... ] };
my $myArrayOf_soapenc_string = [ 'string1', 'string2', ...];
my $myArrayOf_tns3_JobStatus = [ $myJobStatus1, $myJobStatus2, ... ];
my $myArrayOf_tns3_FileTransferStatus = [ $myFileTransferStatus1, $myFileTransferStatus2, ... ];
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