This documentation is for you to do some simple tests to verify the
installation after you install LCG-0 middleware.
1. Prerequisite
You should apply for user certificate from your country certification
authority (CA). To use the Globus security infrastructure you must have
your certificate in PEM format. Create an acount for you on your UI,
place the two files "usercert.pem" and "userkey.pem" into a ".globus"
directory in your home area. The file permissions for the userkey file
should be 0700 for the other 755 is appropriate. At last, you should
contact LCG-0 administrator on
to register with LCG VO.
2. Login to your account, run "grid-proxy-init" to create a new proxy
for you. It looks like:
$ grid-proxy-init
Your identity: /C=TW/O=AS/OU=IP/CN=Di
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:***********
Creating proxy .................................. Done
Your proxy is valid until Thu Feb 27 02:26:48 2003
3. Test information provider and information index
- Query information provider of your Computing Element(if you
installed it)
ldapsearch -x -H
ldap://yourCE.yourDomain:2135 -b "mds-vo-name=local,o=grid"
"yourCE.yourDomain" should be replaced
with the hostname of your computing element.
Here is an example of query results for
the Computing Element "".
- Query information provider of your Storage Element(if you
installed it)
ldapsearch -x -H
ldap://yourSE.yourDomain:2135 -b "mds-vo-name=local,o=grid"
"yourSE.yourDomain" should be replaced
with the hostname of your storage element.
Here is an example of query results for
the Storage Element "".
- Query information index on Resource Broker
ldapsearch -x -H
ldap:// -b "mds-vo-name=local,o=grid"
Currently, the Resource Broker you will use is located at CERN.
Here is an example of query results.
4. Simple test of job submission by globus-job-run command could be:
$ globus-job-run yourMachine.yourDomain
here, "yourMachine.yourDomain" should be the hostname of your Storage
or Computing Element (if you installed it)
5. Test gridftp by globus-url-copy command could be:
$ globus-url-copy file://`pwd`/testfile
$ globus-job-run yourMachine.yourDomain
/bin/ls -al /tmp/testfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lcg lcg 0 Feb 26 15:01 /tmp/testfile
here, "yourMachine.yourDomain" should be the hostname of your Storage
or Computing Element (if you installed it)
6. Simple job submission
To submit a simple job,
hostname.jdl, to your grid system, create the
jdl script of the job as follows:
cat > hostname.jdl << EOF
Executable = "/bin/hostname";
Stdoutput = "message.txt";
StdError = "stderror";
OutputSandbox = {"message.txt","stderror"};
Before submitting your job, you can use
dg-job-list-match to check if there are resources which satisfy your
jobs as follows:
$ dg-job-list-match hostname.jdl
Connecting to host, port 7771
The following CE(s) matching your job requirements have been found:
Then, you can submit job to your grid:
$ dg-job-submit -o jobid -r yourCE.yourdomain/jobmanager-pbs-yourQueue
Connecting to host, port 7771
Logging to host, port 15830
================================= dg-job-submit Success
The job has been successfully submitted to the Resource Broker.
Use dg-job-status command to check job current status. Your job
identifier (dg_jobId) is:
The dg_jobId has been saved in the following file:
remember to replace
"yourCE.yourDomain/jobmanager-pbs-yourQueue" with your Computing Element
and related queue. You can use dg-job-status to chech the status of your
$ dg-job-status -i jobid
Retrieving Information from LB server
Please wait: this operation could take some seconds.
Printing status info for the Job :
Some bookkeeping information has not reached the LB server yet.
Missing information should come from GlobusJobmanager
dg_JobId =
Status = OutputReady
Last Update Time (UTC) = Wed Feb 26 14:19:40 2003
Job Destination =
Status Reason = terminated
Job Owner = /C=TW/O=AS/OU=IP/CN=Di
Status Enter Time (UTC) = Wed Feb 26 14:19:40 2003
When the status of your job is "OutputReady", you can get the result:
$ dg-job-get-output -i jobid
Output sandbox files for the job:
have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory:
$ cat /tmp/142247266396403/message.txt
7. To test the replica manager, create the following replica.jdl job as follows:
cat > replica.jdl << EOF
Executable = "/bin/sh";
Stdoutput = "stdout";
StdError = "stderror";
InputSandbox = {""};
OutputSandbox = {"stdout","stderror"};
Arguments = " file672.txt yourSE.yourDomain/flatfiles/lcg";
here, "yourSE.yourDomain" should be the
full hostname of your Storage Element, "/flatfiles/lcg" should be the VO
storage area on your Storage Element, and also remember to replace
filename "file672.txt" with your filename. Use an editor to create the
following shell script
-------- cut here --------
echo "This is a very simple test for data replica manager tools within
a job." >> $1
echo "This job will create a file, $1, and copy it to your SE $2."
>> $1
echo "I execute the Replica Manager command"
edg-replica-manager-copyAndRegisterFile -l $1 -s `hostname``pwd`/$1 -d
$2/$1 -c /opt/edg/etc/lcg/rc.conf
exit 0
-------- cut here ----------
Now try to submit this job to your grid system with
$ dg-job-submit -o jobid -r yourCE.Domain/jobmanager-pbs-yourQueue
$ dg-job-status -i jobid
$ dg-job-get-output -i jobid
To check the actual presence of the
file on the Storage Element:
$ globus-job-run yourSE.Domain /bin/ls -la /flatfiles/lcg
To query the LCG Replica Catalog,
currently located at CERN, use:
ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -b \